Eastward Refugees

11 October 2020

The highway song is as lonely as the road that Jimbaux is on. Hurricane Delta struck us on Friday evening. Today, Sunday 11 October 2020, we ventured eastward to the homestead, which sounds silly, but it’s true. It’s also silly. Anyway, here are some shots from our journey, and, as a first here on Jimbaux’s Journal, […]

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October 2010 Sampler

1 October 2020

After a dormant August and September (and even early October), which was after a colorful and tumultuous July, I made a comeback in October, in late October, 2010. Sunday The 3rd I was driving East-Bank-bound on the Huey P. Long Bridge and looked downriver and saw this. That’s neat. Friday The 8th This is Nashville […]

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Autumn Of 2020 Is Here

30 September 2020

Return Of The Track Hi. I am “back,” I guess. Today, Wednesday 30 September 2020, I took my first train pictures and my first DSLR-camera pictures in more than three months. I have not had any new posts with new material here in a long time, I know. If you want to know what is […]

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Clouds And Cats – 23 August 2019

23 August 2020

Here is a brief set of images that didn’t make it into my postings from real time in August 2019. Having to go to Imperial Calcasieu for a bittersweet family-resource experience, I wasn’t able to see or photograph the Abbeville Branch train of Wednesday 21 August, and I really wanted to see it, after seeing […]

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Lake Arthur Cell Phone Snaps

20 August 2020

Back in elementary, Jimbaux thrived on misery. Hey, how are y’all doing? There is so much to discuss! Did you read my recent update on Patreon? I still am not ready to reactivate the Facebook page; there is still work that I need to do before I do that. I stopped in Lake Arthur today […]

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August-September 2010 Sampler

4 August 2020

This was a very strange and difficult period for me, a period of transition. The few pictures in this essay, both individually and as a whole, are relatively insipid, and it’s a reflection of how defeated I felt at the time. I started the month of August 2010, the month after the month in which […]

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Storm Light And New Boxcar – 31 July 2019

31 July 2020

On Wednesday 31 July 2019, 10 years to the day after I photographed Canadian National Railway trains on Yellowhead Pass, I made a few images with the storm light in the somewhat less-dramatic area of Vermilion Parish, Louisiana. Perhaps I was scoping out the Abbeville Branch in the hopes of finding and photographing a train […]

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Morning Light On Railroad Cars At The Abbeville Rice Mill – 28 July 2019

28 July 2020

Me being around the Abbeville rice mill early in the morning is rare, and I knew that, with early morning summer sunlight, a lit view of the mill and the railroad cars parked at it would be great. I just needed to get myself there! And get myself there I did, one day after I […]

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July 2010 Sampler

1 July 2020

This One Will Be Different! Greetings, and welcome to the July 2010 Sampler.  The year 2010 was a year of painful transition for me, and much of it hinged around explosive events that happened in July, which also happened to be a very photographically memorable month. Plenty of events were tied together.  Plenty of highways […]

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Lonely Southern Diversion

16 June 2020

Yesterday, we went to Beaumont, and I got some shots of Union Pacific’s job on what remains of the SP Lake Arthur Branch in Lake Charles. With those tasks done, today, Tuesday 16 June 2020, I returned to the homestead in the afternoon via a long, circuitous diversion via places that I had not visited […]

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Extra West But Local Still

15 June 2020

And Now For Something Completely Different I got some new shots today, Monday 15 June 2020, and I went to a place that I hadn’t visited in more than a decade. I had to bring the ‘rental units – I said “‘rental units,” not “rental units” – to Beaumont this afternoon. Hours before that, though, […]

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June 2010 Sampler

1 June 2020

The year 2010 was tumultuous for me personally. I am reminded of such as I look back on these images, and I seem myself and my strengths and weaknesses more clearly. Tuesday The 1st I was still going to events and taking pictures and interviewing people at the events for a publication that I had […]

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They Could Have Just Scrapped The Tank Car

14 May 2020

Today is Thursday 14 May 2020, and, today, for the first time since April 21, a train went through the communities of Delcambre and Erath and into the eastern fringes of Abbeville, but not into Abbeville proper itself, to get the tank car that was delivered to Coastal Chemical on April 15. Let’s recap. For […]

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May 2010 Sampler

1 May 2020

This will be one of the most insipid sampler articles that you will see here, just as insipid as the one from one year ago this month. Here, on Saturday The 8th, is a view down Bayou Lafourche at the Bellevue bridge south of Lockport, where I was for some family gathering. That is home. […]

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A Lighthearted Encore – The Real Last Train From the Planters Rice Mill in Abbeville

21 April 2020

So, something really weird happened today, Tuesday 21 April 2020. Last week, one week ago today, the 14th, what I thought until last night was the last train to the Planters Rice Mill in Abbeville came to the mill with two hopper cars, pulled the three cars that were there and put them on the […]

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Everything That Dies Touches Me

15 April 2020

The End Of An Era – An Emotional Day EDITOR’S NOTE:As I learned only five days later, this would, in fact, not be the last freight train to the Planters Rice Mill.  That happened on the 20th, and I was fortunate enough to chase and voluminously document the return trip the next day.  However, this […]

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The Last Run To The Rice Mill, For Now

14 April 2020

EDITOR’S NOTE: As I learned only six days later, this would, in fact, not be the last freight train to the Planters Rice Mill.  That happened on the 20th, and I was fortunate enough to chase and voluminously document the return trip the next day.  However, this website is, above all other things that it […]

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Are You Serious?

3 April 2020

April 3 has often been a weird or memorable day in my life. So, too, was it this year, today, Friday 3 April 2020. I went to Walmart, to the pickup thing, due to the coronavirus. Then, I went by the rice mill in Abbeville and got three cell-phone pics from the truck. Yes, it […]

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Just A Fool To Believe

1 April 2020

Jimbaux was just a fool to believe that a train would come to the rice mill today, April Fool’s Day. I am not like the wind, though. Or Am I? The last time that I photographed a train on the Louisiana & Delta Railroad branchline to Abbeville, Louisiana, was on Monday, March 9th, which was […]

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April 2010 Sampler

1 April 2020

My life changed due to a cometic force that entered my life in April 2010 and left it only a few months later. I was still lying to myself and to the world, or, more forgivingly, I just didn’t know who I was, and I was, as I have been saying for these last few […]

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It Could Be The Beginning Of The End

9 March 2020

Jimbaux wants you to try walking in his shoes. But Before You Come To Any Conclusions Today is Monday 09 March 2020, I went to the gym today for the first time in more than a week, and I have some potential bad news to report regarding the subject matter of the photographs here. It’s […]

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March 2010 Sampler

1 March 2020

Greetings, and welcome to the March 2010 Sampler essay. I hope that you enjoyed the first two sampler essays of 2010 – January and February – with my foray into trying to be someone I am not, which continues here and will for the next couple of months with intensity and continue in spurts for […]

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Trains, Cane’s, Karl, Coffee, Gumbo, And A Bad Hub

29 February 2020

Today is Saturday 29 February 2020, Leap Day; I went to New Orleans today, the first time that I go there since permanently moving out of there a month ago. I stopped in Baldwin and shot the L&D power parked there. Next, I stopped in Morgan City and finally saw a car parked on the […]

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Distractions, Attractions, And Protractions

27 February 2020

I had a hunch that today, Thursday 27 September 2020, would be train day on the L&D Abbeville Branch, because there was a train one week ago today. I was helping The Duke move a chest freezer, and I heard the horns while helping. My arrival at the track was delayed because I was helping […]

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With So Much Drama In the OMV

20 February 2020

I got out of the OMV facility, and I heard horns. I got to Delcambre and got this shot of the Abbeville Branch train heading back to New Iberia. Well, I missed the inbound train, dammit! Michael Bloomberg’s debate intro was last night; that guy is so crass. I didn’t have to deal with that […]

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Misty Rice Mill Hop

5 February 2020

Jimbaux is telling the same old story, doing the same old song and dance. Today is Wednesday 5 February 2020. The impeachment acquittal, it was a joke, happened today. Yeah, maybe you could try him for so many more things, things that actually matter far more than something that was indeed impeachable that he did […]

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February 2010 Sampler

1 February 2020

Welcome to the February 2010 Sampler, where and when I continue the look at the part of my life in which even through my photography I was, out of intense societal neurotypical pressure, pretending to be something that I was not. Saturday The 6th Saturday 6 February 2010 was election day in New Orleans and […]

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31 January 2020

Jimbaux is a 21st Century digital boy. Today, I permanently moved out of New Orleans. I moved to the city more than a decade ago, not long after Hurricane Katrina after taking a job in the metro area and deciding to move to the city before Katrina, but, only a few years later, I left […]

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My Last Night In New Orleans

30 January 2020

The Pictures Here Don’t Match The Headline I certainly wish that I had found a way to get a picture of a moving train in New Orleans this morning before I rolled out of town on my second-to-last morning awakening in New Orleans, because it would have been the only time ever, probably, that I […]

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Westbound From New Orleans and Boomeranged Back

29 January 2020

Today is Wednesday 29 January 2020; two days from now, I will permanently move out of New Orleans. I awoke today in New Orleans, made a trip to the homestead with my truck loaded with plenty of my stuff, and returned to New Orleans this evening after getting a couple of new train shots today. […]

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25 January 2020

Jimbaux knows that – and accepts that – this is the end, This is the end, beautiful friendThis is the end, my only friendThe end of our elaborate plansThe end of ev’rything that stands The End This is the end. Yesterday, Friday 24 January 2020, I returned to New Orleans from the homestead, as I […]

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Buffalo Ranch Crude Oil

24 January 2020

Jimbaux you don’t recognizeDesensitize and paralyzeSabotage headquartersBut your bloodlines we sterilize. It’s Not The Same Today is Friday 24 January 2020, and, as I am in the process of permanently moving out of New Orleans and retreating westward to the homestead after losing my home a year ago, I went eastward again to New Orleans […]

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What It Is Now

22 January 2020

Jimbaux wonders how everything tied his hands. My time in New Orleans is coming to an end, and I am now spending most of my days moving my excessive amount of stuff. I left the homestead this afternoon for the city and, of course, went and checked out the L&D Abbeville Branch – the old […]

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Securing The Bag

20 January 2020

I had to go west this morning, Monday 20 January 2020, because I accidentally left my camera bag with the newer camera in The Duke’s automobile. Almost there, I used the old camera to get some shots of the hopper cars at the Farmers Rice Milling Company facility. This track is basically the old Missouri […]

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7 January 2020

After the delightful surprise two nights ago when I witnessed a job of the Kansas City Southern Railway switching the Port Of Gulfport after my day in Mobile, I decided to return to Gulfport just in an afternoon, just to try to get that same port action again, this time with a tripod and also […]

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Telling The West Bank Goodbye

6 January 2020

Still quite tired from my big Mobile-Gulfport day yesterday, I got up this morning on this Monday 6 January 2020 to do more saying goodbye to the New Orleans area. I left the crib just after 08:00 today. I checked out what remains of Bernadotte Yard. These are self portraits at what remains of a […]

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Mobile And Gulfport

5 January 2020

My time in New Orleans, the city and metro area that, in my early adulthood, I decided would be the place for me to chart the course of that part of my life, will come to an end at the end of this month. I secretly never envisioned myself growing old in New Orleans; so, […]

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Almost, Close, Not Really

4 January 2020

Today is Saturday 4 January 2020, and I went eastward from the homestead to New Orleans in preparation for heading east to Mobile tomorrow, one of the last chances that I get to do this now that this is my final month in New Orleans. Here is the LDRR 1500, the last CF7 on the […]

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January 2010 Sampler

1 January 2020

Hello, happy new year, and welcome to the January 2010 Sampler essay, which picks up when and were – in the Mexican state of Nuevo León – the December 2009 Sampler essay ended. Friday The 1st Just like we did three years to the day prior, my friend Arnulfo and I along with another friend […]

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Because People In The Weight Room Were Hogging The Benches That I Needed

30 December 2019

Hi. Today is Monday 30 December 2019, and, today, for the first time since my epic flying trip over the metro New Orleans area with Porkchop 11 days ago, I took out my SLR camera to take some pictures, and it would not have happened had people in the weight room not been hogging the […]

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Whoadies Air Foaming

19 December 2019

Today, Thursday 19 December 2019, my pal The Cajun Porkchop and I finally did something that we talked for years about doing. We hopped in an airplane, just the two of us, and flew around the metro New Orleans area and a little bit beyond it and got plenty of pictures. Well, actually, he did […]

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Life There Goes On Without Me

15 December 2019

Today, Sunday 15 December 2019, I went to clean the last of my personal items out of the storage unit, meaning that, rather significantly, the last of my personal possessions has left my homeland. I stopped in New Iberia and saw that the Union Pacific Railroad has delivered three empty rice mill hopper cars.  The […]

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MC and RC

7 December 2019

Hi. Today is Saturday 7 December 2019, and this will be a weird post, like another weird post that I made five years ago today; there are plenty more cell phone pictures than there are SLR camera pictures in this essay. Here is the cat. He’s not my cat, but he is the closest thing […]

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Resurrection Thursday

5 December 2019

“One hopper car! Two hopper cars! Three hopper cars!” – I said, driving southbound on State Street before turning right to get ahead of the train, today, Thursday 5 December 2019, as Terry was videoing the train’s passage of the same spot! The L&D Abbeville Branch is back! The LDRR 1709 has brought five empty […]

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December 2009 Sampler

1 December 2019

Hi, and welcome to the December 2009 Sampler essay.  The year in which my passport got more use and in which I traveled more miles than I did in any other year came to and end with me in a country other than my own. What Does It All Mean? As I mentioned in the […]

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A Different 1503

26 November 2019

Today is Tuesday 26 November 2019, and I am in New Orleans. This will not last, which is a(n at-least) double entendre. That is some work being done around Saint Peter Street in New Orleans. Anyway, I went foaming on the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad, and I found this. Yes, this is a job […]

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The Loneliest Number, In A Cold November Rain

14 November 2019

Jimbaux knows that it’s hard to hold a camera for a cold November train. Today is Thursday 14 November 2019. There was a lonely train on the Abbeville Branch today, and then I got stuck. The LDRR 1717 came to town without any cars. That this train, the first train here in about three weeks, […]

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It’s The Same, But It’s Not The Same, And It Never Will Be

10 November 2019

Jimbaux hears the sounds of silence. Silence I listened to no music today, hence the choice of today’s song. These are my bell peppers. These are locomotives in New Iberia. This is the Louisiana & Delta Railroad. This is an eastbound BNSF Railway manifest train coming through Morgan City. Yes, I went eastward today. This […]

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Rice, Cane, And Salt

1 November 2019

The morning, Friday 1 November 2019, was quite frosty. I feel things. Upon discovering that all of the cars by Mill #2 had been removed, I went to New Iberia and ended up skipping the gym. I saw this Cotton Belt hopper car that appeared to be loaded on the runaround track at the beginning […]

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November 2009 Sampler

1 November 2019

Sorry To Have Been Away, And Sorry To Be So Brief Now, But Greetings, and welcome to the November 2009 Sampler essay, which means, welcome back to the “Sampler” essays after the three-month – or, depending on how you want to define it, the two-month – hiatus that was foretold at the end of the […]

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Olga, Camellia, Sugar Mills, And Western

26 October 2019

Jimbaux hears the dogs of doom are howling more. They Carry News That Must Get Through Hi. Today is Saturday 26 October 2019, and Tropical Storm Olga just came through New Orleans. It was rather windy and wet! I got out this morning and got some pictures of the debris. The RTA streetcar is just […]

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Bienville Street And Basin Street, A Walk

23 October 2019

Yesterday, I returned to New Orleans. Today, Wednesday 23 October 2020, I walked from the crib down Bienville Street to Basin Street and took some cell phone snaps. All of the pictures in today’s post are snaps from my very cheap and weak cell phone. Like many things in life, this post seemed like a […]

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22 October 2019

Jimbaux, though complex, is a simple man. There were 10 empty rice hopper cars at the rice mill in Abbeville this afternoon as I returned to New Orleans today, Tuesday 22 October 2019, and I stopped in Schriever, the sacred place. Wow, the old chairs are gone, and this bench, recently installed, replaced them, apparently! […]

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You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me

17 October 2019

I walked outside to go to the gym today, Thursday 17 October 2019, two days after I returned to this land, and then, at 13:51, to my great surprise, I heard train horns. I then uttered the sentence that is the title of this post. I guess that the gym will have to wait. So, […]

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Calcasieu Byes, Vermilion Skies

15 October 2019

So, after a weekend in that crappy city, I returned eastward, and I once again stopped at the Lake Arthur Sonic, once again for a Bacon Cheeseburger Toaster, and once again was treated well. Later, David Perkins got this neat shot of a KCS military train going up the Mississippi River bridge in Baton Rouge. […]

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Dragged And Drugged

12 October 2019

Abscesses And Absences, Racists And Races, Geuydan And Lake Charles The Duke was emergencily hospitalized, with an abscess that could have killed him; so, today, when Louisianians went to the polls to determine who the governor would be, I drove from the homestead to Lake Charles, my first time driving my own automobile on this […]

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10 October 2019

Finality No, it’s not the end of this branch or the end of my life or the end of the world, but there was finality, in more ways than one, on this day, Thursday 10 October 2019. For the first time in 13 days, the Louisiana & Delta Railroad’s Abbeville Branch was served. As I […]

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Death And Trains – More Rationalizations, More Absence Of Relief

8 October 2019

Death And Stupidity Today started with death – well, more accurately, with the dead, but, more broadly, with the concept of death weighing on the mind – and ended with human stupidity. Nihilism is a terrible philosophy, but the rest of humanity surely does validate it for me. The Duke and I ate shrimp poboys […]

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Rationalizations, But No Relief

4 October 2019

It’s Friday 4 October 2019, two days after my big, memorable chase of the neat UP 1015 leading the New Iberia Turn from Avondale to Saint Mary Parish and five years to the day after my “Reliefs And Rationalizations” outing. My knee is feeling better. Because the last Abbeville Branch train ran one week ago […]

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Wounded Knee, Don’t Stop Me

2 October 2019

I Still Got It These pictures were made on Wednesday 1 October 2019, and this was a heck of a day, very memorable – and very long – with an injury, a visit to some friends, a long chase of a train led by a neat locomotive, and a chance drive-by encounter with another southern […]

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Weird World

30 September 2019

Jimbaux is still living with your ghost. Yes, I am publishing out of order, and, yes, I am aware of it, but it’s the end of September, and I have gone for all of 2019 without making a 2019 blog article, as I am so busy adding to the backlog, working on so many pictures, […]

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What Are You Taking Pictures For?

27 September 2019

Today, Friday 27 September 2019, five years to the day after Weekend Whoadification Won, I photographed the Louisiana & Delta Railroad’s Abbeville Branch train. Here it is, behind the LDRR 1846, at South Young Street in Abbeville. There was some industry here served by the railroad years ago, and there is still piece of track […]

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Work Between

26 September 2019

Jimbaux is terrified of these four walls,These iron bars can’t hold his soul in. Impeach Me Yeah, I am posting this out of order. Sue me. It’s the least that I can do lately with my dwindling capacities, even as I strengthen in other areas. Actually, no, I am not posting this out of order. […]

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25 September 2019

Disenabled I had to write a letter to The Duke. I lost that job. This brutal neurotypical society is literally killing me and other people. I just can’t do this. I feel defeated. I was good at what I was doing and liked it, and I asked for help, but me not “getting it,” like […]

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Still Kickin’

12 September 2019

Peartree Is Still Kickin’, But Is Jimbaux? The Abbeville Branch was served just three days ago, on the same day that I chased the UP New Iberia Turn into New Iberia and discovered that the branch had been served, but, since that UP local train brought four empty hopper cars to New Iberia, I figured […]

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Chasing The New Iberia Turn

9 September 2019

Bernadotte and The Berrie Today is Monday 9 September 2019, and am headed back west from New Orleans to Bayou Vermilion, after a workshop for a new job on Saturday and after a strange encounter at the Tchoupitoulas Wal-Mart; there have been shades of the year 2012 in my life in the last few days, […]

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Both St. Mary Parish Branches In One Day

6 September 2019

Ending A Wide-Angle-Lens Week It’s the afternoon of Friday 6 September, and I am ending, if we count this past Saturday, a week in which, contrary to my usual heavy reliance on the telephoto lens, most of the many pictures that I took were with the normal lens and shooting wide-angle. I am heading back […]

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Anticlimactic Abbeville Branch Catch

5 September 2019

Today is Thursday 5 September 2019, and the Louisiana & Delta Railroad’s Abbeville Branch was served today afternoon for the first time in nine days.  LDRR 1846 arrived in Abbeville late in the afternoon with two empty hopper cars, one of which had arrived in New Iberia on the Union Pacific local train on the […]

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I Tried

4 September 2019

Well, what a heck of a month August was, right? Four days after I chased the Union Pacific Railroad’s New Iberia Turn westward as I was on my way from New Orleans to the homestead, I was, today, Wednesday 4 September 2019, trying to get a shot of it and its neat lead locomotive again, […]

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Again And Again

31 August 2019

Jimbaux is prepared now. Today is Saturday 31 August 2019. This is already getting to be a habit, this same old routine of shooting pictures in New Orleans in the morning and heading west in the afternoon, and part of the reason that I am actually stepping it up even as I feel that it […]

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Ersatz Something

28 August 2019

Hi. Today is Wednesday 28 August 2019, 12 years to the day that I photographed a traffic jam on Fourth Street in Gretna, and I am headed east. Because I had to be in that crappy city far to the west for a “closing,” I wasn’t able to see the next Abbeville train after the […]

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Delcambre, Erath, Abbeville, and New Iberia

16 August 2019

Yesterday, a week to the day since the previous train to Abbeville, I was scoping out the Louisiana & Delta Railroad yard in New Iberia thinking that there would be an Abbeville Branch train that day, and there somewhat was, as the next train for the Abbeville Branch was made and then brought onto the […]

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Wet Iberia

15 August 2019

It’s late Thursday afternoon, 15 August 2019, and I am in New Iberia, scoping out what is happening on the track, mainly trying to ascertain when the Abbeville Branch might be served again, since it was last served one week ago today, but soaking up whatever scenes and information I can while I am here; […]

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Recycling And Record Breaking

8 August 2019

It was really hot today, Thursday 8 August 2019, 10 years to the day after I visited the farmers market in Corvallis, Oregon, before returning to New Orleans from an epic two-week trip to Minneapolis, western Canada, and Oregon, that started in late July 2009. There Is No Hope For the first time, I took […]

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5 August 2019

The Duke and I ventured north from the crappy city, after doing our duties there, for a diversion. We went to Dequincy, a neat junction place on the Kansas City Southern Railway, the first time that I had been there. Unfortunately, we were greeted with a few racist signs in Dequincy; I have to remember […]

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Plaquemine, White Castle, and Addis

4 August 2019

It’s Sunday 4 August 2019, 10 years to the day after I boarded a southbound Amtrak train at King Street Station in Seattle after arriving there by bus from Vancouver, British Columbia. Yesterday, I got a few shots of a BNSF Railway train on the Huey P. Long Bridge, and, today, just three days after […]

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The End Is Nigh

3 August 2019

Today is Saturday 3 August 2019, 10 years to the day after I got an image of a Canadian Pacific Railway potash train crossing the Thompson River at Lytton, British Columbia. I got a large set of images of trains on the Abbeville Branch and on the BNSF Railway mainline at Berwick night before last, […]

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Anticlimactic Activity – Abbeville, Erath, and Berwick

1 August 2019

Jimbaux is convinced on the inside something’s wrong with him. Today is Thursday 1 August 2019, 10 years to the day after BobE and I saw, chased, and photographed Canadian Pacific Railway trains east of Kamloops, British Columbia. With tears in my eyes due to a feeling of hopelessness in life, I left the homestead […]

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August 2009 Sampler

1 August 2019

Greetings, and welcome to the August 2009 Sampler. Most of the images that you will see in this piece are components of my very intense summer of 2009, samples of the images of which can be seen in the June 2009 Sampler and July 2009 Sampler essays, and this August 2009 essay picks up right […]

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Water Over Wright

27 July 2019

We were returning to the homestead from Lake Charles, where, due to the recommendation that a few people gave The Duke, we ate at a place called Darrell’s, that didn’t match up to the hype. The food was not bad, but we won’t be back. After we left Gueydan, we saw, in the open skies […]

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Clairvoyance And Focus

25 July 2019

Today is Thursday 25 July 2019, three days after I got some post-Hurricane-Barry pictures with the shrimp boats at Intracoastal City. I am still waiting to hear back from that job interview that might save my life, but it is looking hopeless; so, too, therefore, is my life. I went out looking for the Abbeville […]

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Wet Vermilion

22 July 2019

As I was desperately waiting news about jobs from those two schools at which I had interviewed or applied, today, 22 July 2019, we went to Intracoastal City. Hurricane Barry made landfall here fewer than two weeks ago. These are shrimp boats. Most of the people who work on these boats are of Vietnamese ethnicity. […]

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A Mid-Summer Day’s Train

9 July 2019

Hi. It’s Tuesday 9 July 2019. At the homestead in the middle of a hot day, The Duke alerted me to the sound of train horns off in the distance. So, I went in search of a train, and I found this. The LDRR 1709 had just pulled those five hopper cars at right from […]

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Do I Have To?

8 July 2019

Hey. It’s Monday, and I am heading west from New Orleans to the homestead, and I spied something interesting at Garden City. That is the Union Pacific Railroad’s relatively-new New Iberia Turn, with some locomotives that are unusual not just for this area but for this train: FXE 4602 and FXE 4604. I don’t see […]

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July 2009 Sampler

1 July 2019

Greetings, and welcome to the July 2009 Sampler.  Like the June 2009 Sampler article, this one is comprised almost entirely of scenes outside of my home of Louisiana, but, completely unlike the June 2009 Sampler article, all but one of the non-Louisiana scenes are from outside – and far outside of the Deep South. The […]

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Passing Near Home

11 June 2019

After my Lafayette images yesterday, I awoke today at the homestead hopeful and optimistic about the job interview that I have tomorrow in New Orleans, one of my last chances to stay in New Orleans, and anticipating relief about getting an overdue dental checkup out of the way today. I stop at the L&D headquarters […]

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Trains Are Boring

10 June 2019

While I was driving in Lafayette today on my way to lunch with Megan, I got a message that I will have a second interview for the job for which I interviewed three days ago! Like I have said, this might be my last chance to stay in New Orleans; I have exhausted both my […]

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A Week Later

7 June 2019

This is all so exasperating. I went to a job interview today, one week after breaking out of prison; this will be one of my last chances to stay in New Orleans. I feel that my time here is coming to and end; well, it already came to several ends before, but it’s coming to […]

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June 2009 Sampler

1 June 2019

A Deep South Month Greetings, and welcome to the June 2009 Sampler essay.  As promised at the end of the May 2009 Sampler essay, this essay and the one for the following month will have an increase in both quality and quantity, especially if you determine quality by variations from my usual southern Louisiana subject […]

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I Will Fight No More Forever

31 May 2019

Jimbaux realizes he missed a dayHe’s too wrecked to care anywayHe looks around and see this faceWhat the hell has he lost my tasteDon’t want to find outJust want to cut out. I broke out of prison today and enjoyed my time in this greater wallless prison. I am truly burned out of a violent […]

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May 2009 Sampler

1 May 2019

Picturewise, this will be very brief, and I will compensate for the photographic brevity by previewing the very voluminous June 2009 Sampler and July 2009 Sampler articles, which will help explain why this one is so brief. Sometimes, I can show you only slices of my life, like this May 2 image. So many great […]

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Holy Thursday Grain Train Rain

18 April 2019

Today is Thursday, Holy Thursday, 18 April 2019.  I am at the homestead for spring break, and I was supposed to go east today for a dentist appointment and then maybe visit my homie Bill afterward, but, with severe weather forecasted for Acadiana, I had to cancel the appointment. That ended up being fortuitous! The […]

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April 2009 Sampler

1 April 2019

Jimbaux feels decayed. This essay will contain a slightly different flavor of material than that which you are accustomed to seeing in these monthly “sampler” essays, but, first, I need to say something about these essays, which is just a vociferous repeating of what I have already said about them. Now Hear This – A […]

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Stunted Rewhoadification

30 March 2019

Here Jimbaux goes again on his own, going the only road he’s ever known. Hey, good morning. Is this my rewhoadification? Is this all that there is to it, and all that there was going to be to it? Because, this ain’t it, chief. It’s Saturday 30 March 2019, and I have chased two northbound […]

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Thousand Points Of Light

8 March 2019

Jimbaux needs the end to set him free. What is this? On the morning of Friday 8 March 2019, I awoke at the homestead and soon-to-be place of exile to head east to return to New Orleans. Yesterday, I made a colossal set of images of the Louisiana & Delta Railroad’s Abbeville Branch. Since I […]

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Ash Thursday On The Abbeville Branch

7 March 2019

It’s Mardi Gras Week, and I am spending time at the homestead, my future place of exile, in the rice-sugar transition zone around Bayou Vermilion. It’s Ash Thursday, 7 March 2019, three days after my photo-filled Lundi Gras trip here, and the lately-once-weekly Abbeville Branch train is running! I arrive at my perch on Bob […]

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Lundi Gras 2019

4 March 2019

In the midst Jimbaux think of you, and how it used to be. It’s Lundi Gras, and it’s time for me to head west from New Orleans for Mardi Gras week, less than a month after being evicted from my home, for a few days in my new place of exile. I was supposed to […]

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2 March 2019

Here are some pictures from Saturday 2 March 2019 in New Orleans. The first several are cell phone snaps. I walked down Esplanade Avenue to City Park, to the area in front of the art museum, a special place for me. There is plenty of fog this morning. The annual big Endymion parade is happening, […]

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March 2009 Sampler

1 March 2019

Greetings, and here is the March 2009 Sampler photo essay, showing one image from each of the days in March 2009 in which I made a presentable and publicationworthy image.  I hope that you enjoyed the February 2009 Sampler, and its different content; we are now back fully in Louisiana for the month of March […]

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Old And New Again

4 February 2019

Water, Fuel, And Trains – Past, Present, and Future Jimbaux wishes he could be the one you could be proud of. I’m Losing Heart Again There is a reason that I used the Pearl Jam song “Indifference” in my 25 November 2012 blog article, a reason that has become clear to me only recently, now […]

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