February 2009 Sampler

1 February 2019

Greetings, and welcome to the February 2009 Sampler. I am pleased that you are here. This essay, showing one picture from each day in February 2009 that I took pictures worth sharing, includes some scenes that are different than the usual fare, though I have already published most of these images elsewhere. I hope that […]

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January 2009 Sampler

1 January 2019

As foretold in the “End of 2018 Review” piece on Patreon, now that the blog that you are reading has returned from the dead, the new year is a good time to bring these monthly sampler essays back to the blog itself, with its black background. These monthly sampler photo essays are just that, a […]

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Ending Where I Began

31 December 2018

Jimbaux asks, Can you remember when When we used to live Never in distress? I hate to sound morbid, but, if I ever died by suicide, I think that I know about where it would happen. This society is so unforgivably hostile to everyone, but especially and particularly to those with autism and those who are […]

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A Dreary End To A Tumultuous Year

30 December 2018

Jimbaux has been driven under. Hi.  I spoke erroneously when I claimed that my chase of the Abbeville Branch train on Friday was the end of my holiday travel. https://www.facebook.com/145765538814006/photos/a.262928767097682/2112634788793728/?type=3&theater   Unexpectedly, I got a few more photos today “back home” before I have to return to the Big Uneasy and continue throwing my life, […]

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Bourgeoisie And Bullies – 30 December 2008

30 December 2018

There is a reason that, in December 2013, when I was, on the five-year anniversaries of each set of images that I made in December 2008, posting most of the images that I made on those days of December 2008, I did not publicize those that I made on 30 December 2008, the day after […]

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New Year’s Eve Eve Eve Eve In New Iberia, Emma, Delcambre, and Erath

28 December 2018

It is Friday 28 December 2018, and I am in New Iberia, Louisiana, preparing to chase the Louisiana & Delta Railroad’s train on the Abbeville Branch. The humint that I had that day suggested that the branch, which is served sporadically but about once per week or so, would be served on this day.  So, […]

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Christmas In Rice Country

25 December 2018

Good evening, and Merry Christmas.  Yesterday, I showed you a few scenes of the sugarcane harvest on Christmas Eve, and, today, here are a few pictures that I took today while on holiday travel in rice country. Heaven will come to Earth when humans decide to treat each other and the rest of life with […]

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Christmas Eve In Teche-Vermilion

24 December 2018

This year, it just doesn’t feel like a holy night, but that is still a great song. Really, while this night about 2,000 years ago might have been holy, this night 50 years ago was holy. Anyway, merry Christmas, my dear readers.  Ten years ago this morning, I photographed Amtrak’s westbound Sunset Limited at Chacahoula […]

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Norfolk Southern Railway Train 345 at East City Junction – 9 December 2008

9 December 2018

On a cold and wet December afternoon in New Orleans, I caught Norfolk Southern Railway train 345 at East City Junction on the NS Back Belt line on Tuesday 9 December 2008. That track at right is the beginning of the Bernadotte Line. I think that I was intrigued that this mainline road train was […]

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Thanksgiving 2018 Week

23 November 2018

Jimbaux wants to be the magazine she bases life on. After the intense week that I had the week before Thanksgiving, I had another eventful and memorable week of Thanksgiving. Wait, don’t I say stuff like that often?  I wonder if it is a function of the “hypersensitivity to experience” that is a hallmark of […]

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Prerewhoadification Week

17 November 2018

Jimbaux was here like a chalk outline On the sidewalk waiting for the rain to wash away, wash away. This week before Thanksgiving was a bittersweet week for me.  It started with such promise; it also ended with promise, but it also contained some crushing news. My long-awaited and long-delayed rewhoadification is finally happening, even after […]

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Election Day On The Lafayette Subdivision

6 November 2018

Jimbaux wants you to tell him what’s on your mind. Forward Hey.  How are?  Let me know.  That comment box at the bottom of this essay is a good way to let me know, but, if you would prefer that your response not be public, I can always be reached at AskJimbax “at” Gmail “dot” […]

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BNSF Railway Maintenance-Of-Way Hopper Cars At Schriever – 4 November 2008

4 November 2018

On Tuesday 4 November 2008, Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of the United States Of America, and, on that day, being back home in bayouland so that I could, among other things, vote, I stopped by the depot at Schriever and photographed some maintenance-of-way hopper cars parked on the old house track. At that […]

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Hope And Degradation

2 November 2018

Jimbaux is half the man he used to be. Could It Be? Surviving Hey.  I got a decent set of railroad pictures for the first time since August 31.  Yes, I still (occasionally) photograph trains and post the pictures on the internet, and I still post old pictures from my portfolio that few if any […]

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KCS Yard Switching At L&A Road – 3 October 2008

3 October 2018

Here are three insipid – almost not worth posting – images from the afternoon of Friday 3 October 2008, the day after I got a couple of interesting shots of a BNSF Railway Geometry train on the Union Pacific Railroad’s Gouldsboro Subdivision. I am on L&A Road at the eastern (railroad south) end of the […]

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BNSF Railway Track Geometry Train At Westwego – 2 October 2008

2 October 2018

The only time that I have seen a BNSF Railway train on the trackage on the western bank of the Mississippi River east of the BNSF Railway intermodal facility was om Thursday 2 October 2008 when I saw a BNSF track geometry train in Westwego, presumably there only to turn on the wye. I don’t […]

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NOPB Passenger Special Moves Up And Down Huey P. Long Bridge – 27 September 2008

27 September 2018

Here are eight images that I made on Saturday 27 September 2008 of the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad’s rolling party going up and down the eastern (northern) approach of the Huey P. Long Bridge in Jefferson, Louisiana. That new span at left in the above image had been installed earlier that year in preparation […]

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All That I Am Allowed To Do Anymore

31 August 2018

Jimbaux knows that the more he lives the faster he will die. No sé Hi. I don’t know what to say anymore, as I am just slowly being killed, having time and my potential robbed from me as I have, for about five years now, been forced to live my life as if I am […]

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Tropical Storm Fay And The QLINSB at Franklin Avenue – 24 August 2008

24 August 2018

As New Orleans experienced the winds and rains from the remnants of Tropical Storm Fay, Union Pacific train QLINSB is, on 24 August 2008, fewer than a thousand feet and 10 minutes from its interchange with the Norfolk Southern Railway, as we see it passing under Interstate Highway 10 at 15:32 CDT. This Q-train (“Quality”) […]

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Light BNSF Power On The Huey P. Long Bridge – 14 August 2008

14 August 2018

Here are a couple of scenes taken on the afternoon of 14 August 2008, definitely anticlimactic from my intense summer of 2008, as you saw in the “June 2008 Sampler” and “July 2008 Sampler” articles. At 17:17 CDT, a quartet of BNSF Railway locomotives move down the eastern approach of the Huey P. Long Bridge, […]

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Foamday The 13th By France Yard

13 July 2018

Jimbaux doesn’t care any more. Hi. Why Do I Still Do This? I have a few train pictures for you, taken in New Orleans on the afternoon of Friday 13 July.  After the pictures, I have some other things to discuss with you; I wish to discuss site news, introversion, and some ideological matters. I […]

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Hello, Is This Thing On?

3 July 2018

Jimbaux is convinced, on the inside, something’s wrong with him. Welcome Back! Well, gosh dern, is it really true that, after a nine-month coma, the Jimbaux’s Journal website is back? I want to thank a Resister associate and reader of this publication who graciously agreed to fix the site pro bono; yes, getting the site repaired […]

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Clouds, Trains, Water, A Dog, and Friends

21 February 2015

When it comes to taking pictures, the thrill is gone for Jimbaux. Obligatory February Photography Hello.  Today, Saturday 21 February 2015, I took some SLR photographs for the first time in more than one month; the last time that I took any images other than a few cell phone snaps was on January 7 when […]

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Bogalusa To Brookhaven – 11 January 2014 – Part 2

11 January 2015

Part 2 This is the second of two parts of my set of pictures from Saturday 11 January 2014 taken “from Bogalusa to Brookhaven,” with a bonus shot being taken somewhere outside of Brookhaven to end the day; Part 1 had more pictures, showing scenes and activity along the length of Canadian National Railway train […]

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Bogalusa To Brookhaven – 11 January 2014 – Part 1

11 January 2015

[Jimbaux sent himself searching.] A Rare Find 11 January 2014 ‘Twas a special day indeed!  Knowing that my chance to do these long, out-of-the-way, day-long foam trips well into Mississippi would soon come to an end, and wanting to really see and photograph some action on most of the former Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad […]

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More Gifts And Gratitude At Gulfport, Hattiesburg, and the Gulf – 9 January 2014

9 January 2015

[Jimbaux is no longer afraid of the gift you have given him.] All of these pictures were made on Thursday 09 January 2014, and all are presented in chronological order. Retry I still had a window of time to get over to Gulfport to chase the KCS Hattiesburg Turn, and I now knew that I […]

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Lafayette, New Iberia, and Cypremort – Amtrak and L&D

7 January 2015

[Jimbaux never wanted to be sick of life.] After yesterday’s big day on the Abbeville Branch, it was, on Wednesday 7 January 2015, time for me to make my way back east.  This article has ‘only’ 49 pictures; that’s plenty, but it’s only half the number of pictures from yesterday.   My first stop was […]

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Big Train To Abbeville On Ex-SP Midland Branch

6 January 2015

This is a big, huge, long article, with plenty to say – including news about Jimbaux’s Journal itself and its future – and plenty of photographs, and this and tomorrow’s article will likely be the last big articles here for a long time. A reader has recently asked about a numbering system for the pictures […]

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Unexpected Gifts After Disappointment at Gulfport – 4 January 2014

4 January 2015

Hello.  On Saturday 4 January 2014, Deacon Nitro of Nitro Pics fame and I ventured to Gulfport, Mississippi, in the hopes of chasing the Kansas City Southern Railway’s turn that operates from Gulfport to Hattiesburg and back, which I had photographed several times before, perhaps most notably in December 2008.  Things did not eventuate quite […]

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Sometimes, Education Trumps Photography

7 December 2014

Jimbaux hopes to fight the good fight, even if there are better fights to fight. Warning: Not Even Close To Being My Best Pictures There is an optimistic saying among railroad photographers that “there are good days, and then there are learning experiences,” but this is true for so much more than for railroad photography!  […]

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Back Sabbath

29 November 2014

Jimbaux is taking a sentimental journey. Hello.  Yesterday, you ‘enjoyed’ pictures from Acadiana, and, today, we are “back” in Whoadieville.  I have some pictures for you because, as I said recently, despite my decreased interest in taking pictures, it’s about all that I can do right now. We start with this stopped eastbound BNSF manifest […]

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Black Foamday

28 November 2014

Jimbaux knows that the word on the street is that the fire in his heart is out. Hello.  Here are some pictures from the day after Thanksgiving taken in Lafayette, Duson, Elks, and New Iberia. We start at the Whataburger on Ambassador Caffrey Parkway, because, you know, I am in Lafayette and just must eat […]

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Relics And Survivors

19 November 2014

Jimbaux is walking away from things that he can’t hide . . . or find . . . or something like that. My e-mail backlog has grown large once again, and this situation will get worse before it gets better for two reasons that I do not yet care to mention but that probably will […]

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Onions, Metal, Sweat, Rain, and Cold

13 November 2014

Jimbaux knows that it is hard to take a photograph in a cold November rain. Here are pictures from two days in one article, all because the pictures from the first day don’t deserve their own article, and I’m blogging far more lately than I had thought I would be doing. Please do not forget […]

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You See Only What Only You See

10 November 2014

Jimbaux is in the flesh, baby, but you can’t see him, nor can you see much else. Chances are, you have many times in your life been unfairly judged, and, chances are, you have done the same thing to others (usually without realizing it, else you might not have done it.)  Today’s photo essay, in […]

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Remember, Remember, Or, Better Yet, Forget

5 November 2014

[Jimbaux knows that sometimes when you are out of rope, the way to climb back up is unclear.] Jimbaux Is No Guy Fawkes, Neither Are You, And Those Are Good Things Hello.  How are you?  Are you settling in for winter hibernation?  Do you like the idea that you are? I have a few barely […]

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Same And Different

29 October 2014

Jimbaux wonders what he has become. HTFYI? Hello.  Here’s a weird set, not one of my best, but different enough to be good.  These pictures were all taken on Wednesday 29 October 2014 (which I say for future readers who might care about such things, but remember that all caption information for pictures on this […]

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Noodles To Avondale

20 October 2014

Jimbaux wants you to please just let him be, as he finds it hard to breathe. Let’s Do This This article will be very similar to and shorter than the “One Or The Other” article from nearly a month ago because the pictures from this article and the pictures from that article are taken in […]

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Weird Wednesday

8 October 2014

Jimbaux wonders if this is just real life, or if this is just fantasy. Thanks to some osint in the foam world, I was alerted to the fact that Norfolk Southern’s Go-Rail locomotive, which I photographed in New Orleans in April, was leading a Kansas City Southern Railway military train into New Orleans on the […]

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Rock Bottom

6 October 2014

Jimbaux has plenty of reason to think that at this point, if not for back problems, things can only get better. Good morning.  Good afternoon.  Good evening.  Whatever. After and eventful but painful weekend that saw me chasing the IAVLB from St. Charles to Berwick followed by a trip to Slidell to work on a […]

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Go East, Young Man

5 October 2014

Jimbaux is digging his way to something better. I went to Slidell today – Sunday 05 October 2014 – to meet with my videographers to work on my “That’s How We Survive” music video that we started videoing two weeks before, a project that I will need to yet again shelve due to yet again […]

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Reliefs And Rationalizations

4 October 2014

Jimbaux can breathe again. The Start Of The Holy Season Today, Saturday 4 October 2014, had (you know that I’m not really writing this “today”) such a great sense of relief for so many reasons, but it had me rationalizing some possibly-not-good decisions away. Relief We awoke this morning to cool weather, and it felt […]

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Très Bien Ensemble

29 September 2014

Jimbaux needs to make you see . . . Hello.  How are you doing?  Wasn’t this weekend gloriously photographic? especially yesterday?  I think so. Tres Coming off of a much more photographically climactic weekend, I did manage to get a few not-so-inspiring pictures this afternoon.  Let’s see them. A Different Same View We start in […]

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Weekend Whoadification Too

28 September 2014

Jimbaux knows that Mom’s going to flush it all away. Glory Be Today, Sunday 28 September 2014, was a glorious and memorable day in New Orleans, a place that continues to stir within me various emotions, many in perpetual states of conflict with each other, as it did to me this weekend.  These pictures are, […]

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Weekend Whoadification Won

27 September 2014

Jimbaux knew that they could never tear us apart. Or can they? whoever “they” are? Some New Orleans Non-Frontin’ Frontin’ This is the first day of a special weekend.  In positive ways, it was something of a taste of the past and simultaneously a likely taste of the future; this weekend is a mountain in […]

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One Or The Other

24 September 2014

Jimbaux somehow gets by. It was either the 393 or the 345; I don’t know which train it was, but it was one or the other.  I caught it coming across the river on the Huey P. Long Bridge late in the afternoon today, Wednesday 24 September 2014. Absent from this train today are the […]

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Steamy Yellow Dusk

15 September 2014

Jimbaux says, “Don’t ask me; I don’t know.” What, no non-railroad-related and non-photography-related comments on the previous article, with the new views and all of the “views” discussed after the views? Railroad Pictures Damn, It’s Hot Fall showed no sign of approaching today, as the heat and, especially, the humidity were quite oppressive.  Before I […]

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Foamin’, Frontin’, and Frustrated On Tuesday

9 September 2014

[Jimbaux is feeling miles away.] New Views From the NS Back Belt I just love, love, love that song! Feeling Like A Candle Burning At Both Ends In response to some goofy middle-of-the-night text message about whoadies that I had sent out to a few whoadie-friends over the weekend, Captain Sal replied that “he who […]

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Static Miscellany

3 September 2014

Jimbaux knows that today is not the past and that he doesn’t need to relive it. Not That Much This brief article of pictures that I took today – Wednesday 3 September 2014 – will likely not be pleasing to those of you who come here for good photography, but it might be okay for […]

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Repeat Rebirth

27 August 2014

Jimbaux knows that all these places have their moments, with lovers and friends he still can recall. Sobrevivo Todavía Estoy Aquí Hello.  I am alive and mostly okay.  Today, Wednesday 27 August 2014, I got my first pictures since before the surgery that I had two weeks ago, the second such surgery this year.  Thanks […]

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8 August 2014

Jimbaux is on that painkiller, painkiller, painkiller. Yes, I’m Alive, But Not Necessarily Well Friday Frontin’ Hi.  This is the first post of new pictures on the blog since early May.  I hope that you enjoyed the 2004 Mexico series; I put plenty of effort into it, and I’m glad that it is all done!  […]

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Back In The USA, Southern Texas – 18 July 2004

18 July 2014

[Jimbaux just needed . . . to realign.] Repatriated Hello.  After an intensely memorable last day in Mexico in which I left Monterrey, drove on a two-lane state highway to the border, got pictures of trains, and crossed into the USA well after dark, a new day dawned, and it was time to trek across […]

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Leaving Mexico, Ending a Life-Changing Experience – 17 July 2004

17 July 2014

Goodbye, Monterrey It was time to go home.  A life-changing, mind-stretching, formative experience was now coming to an end.  It was an emotional day, as I would leave one world and re-enter another world, forever changed by my experience of being away from it. Saturday 17 July 2004 started just as the previous day ended: […]

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Last Full Day In Monterrey – 16 July 2004

16 July 2014

[Jimbaux did not want to waste time like it was free.] The pictures here were taken on Friday 16 July 2004.  Perhaps more important than the pictures, though, is the story after the pictures, the story of my last night in Monterrey, spent with some of the railroad enthusiast friends that I made in the […]

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Cañón Huasteca – 15 July 2004

15 July 2014

[Jimbaux is alive, for you, awake.] On Thursday 15 July 2004, one day after the Ray of Beast and I visited El Obispado and I photographed some interesting TFM action at Salinas-Victoria, my Mexican-Canadian friend Joel and I visited what is perhaps the most spectacular natural wonder in the Monterrey area. These pictures are shown […]

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El Obispado Y El TFM – 14 July 2004

14 July 2014

[Jimbaux knows that the spiral never ends.] The afternoon of Wednesday 14 July 2004 was a very photographically productive and personally memorable one.  A paisano and I went to visit a major historical site of international importance in Monterrey, and then I got some of my better train pictures from that summer.  So, this relatively […]

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TFM Action and Getting Reported For Being Suspicious – 8 July 2004

8 July 2014

This is the story of my afternoon adventure photographing TFM trains (Transportación Ferroviaria Mexicana was a Mexican railroad created in the mid-1990s when the Mexican railroad system was privatized, it was 49%-owned by the Kansas City Southern Railway, and it became the KCSdeMexico in 2005 when KCS acquired it in full) north of Monterrey and […]

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A Vist to Señor Oscar’s Business – 7 July 2004

7 July 2014

Señor Oscar invited me to his shop to take some pictures on Wednesday 07 July 2004.  I was delighted to get a first-hand look at a Mexican small business and to see what my host family did for a livelihood. He operates a custom glass and window shop, but according to him and his son […]

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Acción de TFM – 5 July 2004

5 July 2014

[Jimbaux is craving everything that he thought was alive.] Determined, after an emotional weekend of telling my roommate goodbye and giving a railroad slide show to local railroad enthusiasts and of introspection partially prompted by passing an American holiday outside of the country, to get some railroad action pictures in the limited time that I […]

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Cuatro de Julio en México – 4 July 2004

4 July 2014

[Jimbaux just needed . . . to realign.] Experiencing an American holiday in another country was weird – in a good way.  On the previous day, I said goodbye to my roommate Michael and then went and gave a railroad slide show a to a group of local railroad enthusiasts.  A question posed to me […]

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My Roommate and El Club – 3 July 2004

3 July 2014

[Jimbaux listens to the rail falling day by day by day.] Apparently, I took no pictures at all in the two week period between the second day of the Zacatecas trip on Saturday 19 June 2004 and the day that I had to say goodbye to my great roommate on Saturday 3 July 2004, the […]

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Zacatecas, Día Dos – 19 June 2004

19 June 2014

[Jimbaux knows that we rot away, live again, here forever, the spiral never ends.] Previously, on Jimbaux’s Journal, we arrived in the Mexican city of Zacatecas on Friday 18 June 2004 and took many pictures.  It was the farthest place south I had ever been until the next day when we went a few dozen […]

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Zacatecas, Día Uno – 18 June 2004

18 June 2014

[Jimbaux is alive, for you, awake.] Two weeks after arriving at ITESM, a weekend trip to the historic mining and mountain city of Zacatecas, organized by the university’s international student program, approached.  You have seen so far that we had done some day trips or afternoon trips, like a visit to Parque Chipinque, a visit […]

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La Casa Y La Calle – 14 June 2004

14 June 2014

The date in this case is not really all that important, but on Monday 14 June 2004 – or lunes 14 junio 2004 – I photographed a couple of scenes on the street where I lived in Monterrey. You can see a foreshortened view of Cerro de la Silla.  That is my truck parked at […]

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García Y el TFM – 12 June 2004

12 June 2014

[Jimbaux drags you through his wasted life; are you forever dead?] On Saturday 12 June 2004, I made two trips out to the mountainous and desert area west of Monterrey, the first with a group and the latter on my own, during which I got my first real train action pictures in Mexico. The Roommate […]

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Gran Plaza – 10 June 2004

10 June 2014

[Jimbaux is searching for nothing, wondering if he’ll change.] After class one day, the day after some of us went to MARCO, I took Dan and Matt to the Gran Plaza, also known as the Macroplaza, the middle old part of Monterrey.  Here they are, respectively. That tall thin thing at right is the Faro […]

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MARCO – 9 June 2004

9 June 2014

[Jimbaux was finding a way to be.] After class on Wednesday 9 June 2004, or miercoles 9 junio 2004, some of us took an ITESM-organized trip from campus to MARCO – Museo de Arte Contemporáneo – downtown.  Modern art is by its nature usually is unintelligible to many of those who attempt to imbibe it, […]

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Una Visita Al Parque Chipinque – 05 June 2004

5 June 2014

[Jimbaux sees all these faces, changing their shape . . . ] Ayer Before I get to the pictures from 05 June 2004, I have one to show from the previous day.  This image did not warrant its own post, but it is of the first train that I photographed in Mexico. The light wasn’t […]

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Señora Gloria’s Graduation – 03 June 2004

3 June 2014

[Jimbaux enjoyed a prelude of good regiomontano things.] Meet my host family!  On only my third night in Monterrey, while beginning my brief studies as a student at ITESM, I attended the graduation ceremony – at the same academic institution where I was studying – of my host mother Señora Gloria.  Like many even middle-class […]

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Goodbye, USA – Bievenidos A México – 01 June 2004

1 June 2014

[Jimbaux just needed . . . to realign.] I awoke the morning of 1 June 2004 in Laredo prepared to enter Mexico for two months, rested after a long day of driving from Bayou Lafourche from shortly after midnight and ending with some pictures of trains on the international bridge over the Rio Grande (or […]

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Laredo, A Gateway In Many Ways – 31 May 2004

31 May 2014

[Jimbaux was running blind on 31 May 2004.] Here it is!  This is the first post of the two-month-long series of pictures from my 2004 experience at and going to and from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and all of the ancillary things I did while in the Monterrey area.  I had […]

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Old And Now – A Tapestry Spanning a Decade and Two Mediums

28 May 2014

[All Jimbaux wants is to feel this way, to be this close, to feel the same.] Et Cetera And It Won’t Matter Now Hello.  How are you doing?  We’re going to do something very different this time.  I will show some more scanned slides from 2001-2003 interspersed with cellular telephone pictures from late 2013 and […]

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Foamy Finals Friday

9 May 2014

Jimbaux must have been . . . high . . . he must have been . . . so . . high. Getting High Is Not Necessarily Reckless Hello.  How are you doing?  Here are some pictures that I took today at different times during the course of the day in New Orleans, probably my […]

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‘Wegoadie Gone – Alimia Day

30 April 2014

[Jimbaux experienced the glorious send-off of a whoadie gone, and he is sharing the pictures with you here.] Gratitude This is an illustrated story about life, death, service, reconciliation, friendship, community, and hope; these are the pictures that I took of the day that Philip Vincent Alimia, a public servant and the father of my […]

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A Hammerhead And Metalheads

21 April 2014

Jimbaux is reminded that overthinking, overanalyzing separates the body from the mind. Yin And Yang Today – Monday 21 April 2014 – was a mixed day in many ways.  Both despite and because of a good Easter weekend and the changing of seasons, I was agitated and cranky today, not running on full cylinders both […]

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New Orleans Introduces To The World – 17 April 2004

17 April 2014

[Jimbaux liked those big-city – or Mid-City – nights.] Accompanying one picture, this is a story about, among many other things, jealousy, desire, life goals, Mexico, New Orleans, personal growth, Hurricane Katrina, money, learning, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, experiencing life, railroads, and existentialism.  The vagueness of the title of this post is mostly a reflection of […]

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The Way That It Is Today – NS Back Belt and NOPB Action

14 April 2014

Jimbaux wants you to say you will, say you won’t, make up your mind tonight. A Difference of A Decade Is A Difference of Place, Habit, Priority, Identity, and Perspective This morning, 10 years to the day after I shot a pair of westbound trains at Thibodaux Junction back home in bayouland and five years […]

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Two Westbounds at Thibodaux Junction, One With a Cascade Green Leader – 14 April 2004

14 April 2014

[Jimbaux knows – and wants you to know – that there is more to the picture than meets the eye. ] My, My Hello.  Here are some pictures – more scanned 35mm slide film – of a couple of westbound trains at Thibodaux Junction, a location that you have seen here before and that was […]

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NS GoRail Locomotive and Detouring CN Trains

9 April 2014

Jimbaux is back in the saddle again. A Day To Be Remembered Wow, what a day today!  This will be day long remembered.  (The Mid-City Marine would probably tell me that it is not wise to say “this will be a day long remembered” for the same reason that it is not wise to say […]

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Stacks, Arches, and Cypress – 4 April 2009

4 April 2014

These pictures were taken on Saturday 4 April 2009, the day that I helped Saint Jude buy his bicycle. We see a Union Pacific Railroad intermodal train descending the eastern approach to the Huey P. Long Bridge. That McDonald’s had recently been built where a Shoney’s restaurant once was, and I knew one of the […]

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Thibodaux Junction Meets – 3 April 2004

3 April 2014

These pictures – more scanned 35mm color slides – are not among my best, but they show the westward view from the no-longer-publicly-accessible Thibodaux Junction location that I have recently shown. On the morning of Saturday 03 April 2004, I got to the track in Schriever (mp 55, Lafayette Subdivision) at around 07:30 and saw […]

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Lone-Car Train on the Lockport Branch – 31 March 2004

31 March 2014

[Every mother’s son had better hear what Jimbaux said.] There Is No Place Like Home Yes, friends, we are back home on the Lockport Branch, the no-longer-active 14-mile (the first mile in Raceland is still in use) former Southern Pacific Railway branch down the eastern bank of Bayou Lafourche, and we are looking at scanned […]

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Bernadotte Line and Engineer Black – 29 March 2009

29 March 2014

Jimbaux loves those Mid-City, Mid-City nights. Usually, the NS Bernadotte Line – an urban railroad branchline in the Mid-City neighborhood of New Orleans – is served sometime between midnight and dawn (and usually on Mondays.)  On the evening of Sunday 29 March 2009, the line was served a few hours before midnight, and I took […]

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New Orleans Trains – 28 March 2009

28 March 2014

[There are many things that Jimbaux would like to say to you, but he doesn’t know how . . . ] Here are some pictures of trains taken in New Orleans (or nearby Metairie) on Saturday 28 March 2009.  They are generally my typical fare, not too great but not terrible either (well, they wouldn’t […]

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Waggaman and Raceland, Foaming Home – 22 March 2009

22 March 2014

[There Jimbaux goes, on the road again.] All Along The Lonesome Highway . . . The Mathews Foamer’s father died in a car accident in late March 2009.  On the afternoon of Sunday 22 March 2009, one day after I photographed Union Pacific train QLISNL at Elysian Fields Avenue, I left New Orleans to spend […]

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Two Westbounds, One With A Conrail Leader, At Thibodaux Junciton – 7 March 2004

7 March 2014

[Jimbaux is not living in the past; you want to laugh.] One of my favorite regular places to watch and photograph trains on the Lafayette Subdivision was known as Thibodaux Junction on Acadia Road in northern Lafourche Parish one mile east of Schriever (which is in Terrebonne Parish.)  I say “was” because the location is […]

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NS Back Belt and The Mid-City Marine in New Orleans – 28 February 2009

28 February 2014

Jimbaux gets by with a little help from his friends. Friends, by definition, are a valuable part of one’s life, and on the last day of February 2009, I got to spend time in New Orleans with a friend near whom I had intended to live.  The Mid-City Marine and his wife JMS were displaced […]

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Newseum, Canadian Embassy, Pennsylvania Avenue, Capitol – 13 February 2009

13 February 2014

Our Close Up week was ending, and Friday 13 February 2009 was the day that we would go home, but we had a late flight out of IAD, meaning that we had time to do some things before we left. One of my students was interested in going to college for journalism (and has since […]

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Arlington, Virginia – 12 February 2009

12 February 2014

Day 4 of our Close Up 2009 week was Independent Study day.  It was a Thursday, and the length of the program had been reduced by one day from years past.  Capitol Hill Day, which we had wonderfully experienced the day before, had historically been on the Thursday with Independent Study day on Friday and […]

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Capitol Hill Day – 11 February 2009

11 February 2014

The crux of the experience of the Close Up program is Capitol Hill Day, when students and their teachers go to Capitol Hill and have meetings with their members of Congress or at least members of their member’s staff; the Close Up Foundation arranges the meetings.  While not meeting with their members, students and teachers […]

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Antietam National Battlefield – 10 February 2009

10 February 2014

The bloodiest day in US history took place on 17 September 1862 near the town of Sharpsburg, Maryland, at a creek called Antietam. On Tuesday 10 February 2009, five days after I had witnessed what I knew to be the second-to-last train on the former Southern Pacific Railway branchline down Bayou Lafourche and the last […]

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First Day of 2009 Close Up – 9 February 2009

9 February 2014

I don’t have time to make this one deep.  So, if you want to know more, you’ll have to research the Close Up Foundation on your own! This was, however, the fourth and last trip that I took on this program as a teacher, a program that truly changed my life and led to the […]

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Foggy Fickle February Super Sunday Sermon

2 February 2014

Greetings, and welcome to Jimbaux’s Journal, be thee friend or foe; for those who missed many of the January offerings, a check of the January 2014 archives will reveal some interesting posts. Hello Yes, kiddies, this is my first Sunday Sermon in a long time, the last being nearly 10 months ago.  The long-term forecast […]

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Bogalusa Line Catch – 31 January 2009

31 January 2014

Return And Redemption On Monday 29 December 2008, I went to Bogalusa, Louisiana, for the first time as an adult (my father informed me after the publication of the pictures taken that day that he and my mother had taken me there when I was too young to remember it, as my mother had an […]

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Baggage, Memories, Knowledge, Identity, and People

29 January 2014

Jimbaux wants you to let him live his life alone, or maybe not? No If you are here only for my high-speed rail initiation proposal, scroll down until after the last picture to find that essay. Welcome To 2014, Good Netizens Many of you have already seen a sampling of my southern Mississippi work from […]

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Bernadotte Line Train and Trainmen – 25 January 2009

25 January 2014

On Sunday 25 January 2009, I caught the Bernadotte Line being served in daylight, something very rare, and this gave me the opportunity to photograph it and get some good pictures of the crew. Here we see NS 5501 and two loaded boxcars arrive at Bernadotte. The track now ends in this weeds before North […]

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Norfolk Southern Train 393 By LSU Dental School – 17 January 2009

17 January 2014

Same Old, Same Old Hi.  Here are a few repetitive pictures taken on Saturday 17 January 2009. This is Norfolk Southern Railway train 393 slowing to a stop for a crew change at Bayou St. John in New Orleans. These pictures were taken in front of the LSU Dental School on the NS Back Belt. […]

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NOGC And T&P In Gretna – 13 January 2011

13 January 2014

These three pictures were taken on Thursday 13 January 2011 in Gretna, Louisiana, USA, the parish seat of Jefferson Parish just across the Mississippi River from New Orleans. We see parked in the former Texas & Pacific Railway yard a train of the New Orleans & Gulf Coast Railway with NOGC 504 and NOLR 2180 […]

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Acadiana and Baton Rouge – Amtrak, L&D, UP, CN, and KCS – 4 January 2009

4 January 2014

Jimbaux knows that this house is not a home. These 21 pictures – nearly all of which were taken of locations heretofore not seen here on Jimbaux’s Journal – were taken on Sunday 4 January 2009, two years to the day after a very memorable day in western Nuevo León. Something Different Hello.  A cousin’s […]

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Sunset Of A Year, and Of Innocence – 31 December 2008

31 December 2013

[Jimbaux wonders how he can blame you when it is him he can’t forgive.] A Sour Ending To A Monumental Year We close 2008 thus, with four images, the first two at Schriever, the second at the Atchafalaya River in Berwick, and the finale at Bayou Sale, which might better be called Garden City, but […]

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