Stacks, Arches, and Cypress – 4 April 2009

by Jim on 2014/04/04

These pictures were taken on Saturday 4 April 2009, the day that I helped Saint Jude buy his bicycle.

We see a Union Pacific Railroad intermodal train descending the eastern approach to the Huey P. Long Bridge.

That McDonald’s had recently been built where a Shoney’s restaurant once was, and I knew one of the managers from the gym; he was from Chicago and quickly moved back home.

The train is the KCIAT, the predecessor to the Z-train of five years later.  Yes, you can see that Clearview Avenue is a retail row.

I like cypress trees.  They make me feel at home.

Now we see some CSX-to-UP manifest climbing the bridge, appropriate since the KCIAT is a UP-to-CSX train.

Look at the price of gasoline back then!

Three years to the day later, I was in South Dakota taking pictures on the Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad.

That’s all she wrote for this time, and that is a good thing.


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Charlie Kilbourne April 4, 2014 at 12:10

Fine, wide angle shots, James.


2 Ross April 4, 2014 at 23:23

Have you seen any examples of the orignal CSX livery? It had the body in grey, lettering in dark blue, and a blow ‘plow’ on the nose and cab for operation. They were around maybe 3-10 years (repaints I presume) from B&O / C&O / WM. (If you recall, the Chessie had purchased some class locomotives and lettered 1/3 in C&O, 1/3 in B&O and 1/3 in WM ‘circus’ livery coloration.)
(At least, is what Western Maryland Survivors calls that R-W-Bk coloring.)
PROUD father of an American Soldier


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