Welcome to the June 2011 Sampler photo essay.
It was this month in which I had a big psychological breakthrough.
Thursday, The 2nd
This was the hood at The Heights.

I don’t miss it at all, and you know how much I miss so many places.
Friday, The 3rd
Here we are in Front Royal, Virginia, at a skateboard park.

Jonas thought that it was cool. Front Royal is a neat place with a neat railroad junction.
Saturday, The 11th
Here was the gay pride parade in the District Of Columbia.

This was New Hampshire Avenue.
Monday, The 13th
This is the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill.

I like Capitol Hill.
Tuesday, The 14th
This image shows why foaming in the Washington, DC, area vexed me so.

I agree that we need more electrification – heck, we need a separate high-speed passenger rail system – but this was really aggravating.
Thursday, The 16th
I remember this day well. I remember the dream that I had, the funeral, the funeral for my love.

She was buried, but her ghost still visits me occasionally.
Friday, The 17th
This is Alexandria, Virginia, a neat place.

I wish that I had know better what to do then and there.
Friday, The 24th
We are looking upriver along the Potomac River from the Key Bridge.

The Staind song “Blow Away” comes to mind here; it’s a hauntingly beautiful song that makes me thing of bad and painful things, all of which are powerfully real.
I wish that they weren’t.
I also wish that Aaron Lewis wasn’t such a reactionary.
Sunday, The 26th
Foaming further into Maryland wasn’t that great, either.

That’s the CSX next to the Saint Denis MARC station.
That’s all. I couldn’t believe it at the time, but I was getting homesick, and I would soon so something about that.
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