Adventures In Point-&-Shoot Photography in the Shenandoah Valley — Part 3 of 3

by Jim on 2011/04/23

[Jimbaux is inside out.]

Rendezvous, But, No, I’m Not Through With You!

Here we go, dear kiddies, with Part 3.  (Part 1 can be seen here, and Part 2 can be seen here.)

We were out on the campus of the University of Virginia in the last post, mes amis.

There’s a certain Eddie Izzard joke that comes to my mind when I see the below picture!

Man, I really need to come to school here!

Seriously, this place has, for a long time, been on the top of my should-have-gone-to-school-here list.  Ah, regret, you silly waste of time and emotion!  It’s too bad I was taught to think that way at an impressionable time in my life.  Reprogramming the human brain is very difficult, my friends, but I am making progress!

We went up inside The Rotunda.  As I said last time, this was the original campus library.

There was some sort of demonstration happening across the street.  Lacking my 70-200mm/f2.8 lens, I can’t show or even tell you what was written on the signs!

What’s that house on the hill in the distance in the below picture?

I don’t think Jefferson envisioned volleyball, now did he?

So, I naturally inquired about where the engineering department was.  Here it is, Thornton Hall.

And I think this is the state flower of Virginia, or something like that, right?

Here we are inside of Thornton Hall.

‘Twas indeed a nice spring day.  It was 4-20, and I didn’t smell pot anywhere.

So, some girls in the psychology department, or something like that, were yelling out “free ice cream” to me as if they knew I was a sucker for ice cream.

It was more like a melted milkshake by this point, but it was still good!

We made our way back to where my truck was parked and got a few more shots before leaving campus.

We made it back to the original part of campus, this time passing through the green area.

I have absolutely no idea what was happening here, nor was I in the mood to ask.

Actually, at this time, I was on a self-imposed strike from talking after hearing Bernie tell me that I run my mouth so much because I’m afraid of silence.  Maybe he’s right, but I had a good time grinning obnoxiously at him through my silent lips during my strike!

Ending on the NS

We saw NS train 11R pass through town and then got this shot sans train.

Perhaps I’ll return with some better gear and record a train at this place one day.

The End

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this three-part look into the Shenandoahs, the Norfolk Southern H-Line, and the University of Virginia.  Especially given the issue of lesser camera gear, this is something quite different than that to which you’ve become accustomed here on Jimbaux’s Journal.

Be well, my friends!


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Patricia Champagne April 23, 2011 at 18:49

The photographer is making the “less than stellar” camera sing. I have definitely enjoyed seeing what you were able to do with the camera you’re using. I hope that you can soon purchase the camera you truly want. Happy Easter to you, James. I hope the weather there is more Easter feeling that the muggy, windy weather we’re having here in south Lousiana. Take care.

2 Rita April 24, 2011 at 00:58

The schools in the US are spectacular…

If you went to school here..I would’ve come to visit.

3 Tom Becket April 28, 2011 at 15:33

UVA has a truly beautiful campus, wish I’d given it more than a drive thru years ago.

Like the shot of the signals-I find them interesting, as well as the structure that supports them-really “railroady.” I have been there several times, as I recall the station was rather attractive. They seem to know how to maintain them down there. Last time through Charlottesville was long ago-I stood on that spot and shot a Southern freight with SD 45’s. Man, I’m getting old……

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