Friday At The Key Bridge

by Jim on 2011/02/27

[Jimbaux walks alone across the Key Bridge.]

My dear Jimbauxlings, today I bring you a set of pictures I took Friday and of which I am quite proud.  Enjoy, mes amis!

Storm Light?

The weather here Friday was darn weird, and this weirdness provided for some great photo opportunities, so great that I’ve updated my print website for the first time in nearly a year, but we’ll get to that soon enough.

It Does Get Better Than This

Here’s the first view of something of which you’ll see very different views before this post ends.  It’s all about atmosphere!

Again, below, you’ll see some much more dramatic shots of this same stuff.

Spirituality and Peace

Seen in the background in the below view is an architectural landmark of Washington.

The Catholicness (or Catholicicity) of the foreground contrasts with the Episcopalianness (or Episcopalianicity) of the background, and there are some powerful metaphors at work in this image.  The foreground is part of the Georgetown University.  The impressive and iconic structure in the background is the Washington National Cathedral, a places of great significance for many.

Yes, that’s the Potomac River at the bottom in the picture.

The Money Shot

Moving right along from spirituality to money, here’s a shot that you might want hanging on your wall.  Here are the Watergate Complex, the Kennedy Center, and the Washington Monument all bathed in sunlight with dark clouds behind them.

Yes, large-sized prints of this image without any copyright watermarks can be purchased.

Looking The Other Way For a Minute

Plenty of neighborhoods in Arlington County, Virginia, look like this.

Nobody’s going to get mad that the shot is black-and-white, right?  Right?

My, How The Wind Blew

We had unusually high winds through the area on Friday.  Check out the white caps in the Potomac River.

Yes, that’s the Watergate Complex in the background.  We’re now out on the Key Bridge, which connects Rosslyn, Virginia, to the Georgetown area of DC.

Fun Times!

I’m not kidding you when I tell you it was windy, and I don’t think I’ve ever experienced winds that strong other than during a hurricane.  My face got sandblasted, and I was nearly blown over into the lanes of automobile traffic.

This young couple leaned forward into the wind.

Here, we see Jasmin Banaei and Arash Diba.  Getting these pictures was very difficult because I couldn’t hold the camera still, and these are a few decent shots compared to many that were blurry because the wind, I kid you not, nearly blew the camera out of my hand.

And we now go from a view taken on the Key Bridge to a view taken of the Key Bridge.

Now, let’s see some more shots to the east, this one another black-and-white.

Pretty cool, eh?  Just for good measure, here’s a color shot.

Now we go back to black-and-white for this monumental image.

And that’s all for now.  I had the great pleasure on this day of seeing my old Iowa pal Tom and making a new friend from back home on the bayou.  I’d write more about this, but I’m tired and busy.

Until next time, mes amis.



{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Katie February 27, 2011 at 09:25

Hey, Jimbaux!

Thanks for the shout-out! I totally sent you a Facebook message also, which you did NOT respond to!!!! Write me back!

Take care,
Katie 🙂

2 EDITOR -- Jimbaux February 27, 2011 at 18:48

Hi, Katie!

I guess it must be something with the new way Facebook does messages — which I do NOT like — but I didn’t see your message until after I saw your comment. I’ll answer in more detail later, but I can tell you that much of Jimbaux’s “story” can be found right here by reading Jimbaux’s Journal!

Thanks for participating in the site! Hope to see you again soon.


3 Howard N. Bunte February 28, 2011 at 12:43

Hey James,
GREAT pix…and when you get the chance, go out to Dulles to the Air and Space Museum’s Udvar-Hazy site. Has some great aircraft all perfectly preserved (did you know that ALL airplanes in the Air and Space exhibits that you see are ‘flyable’… just put in the fuel, detatch them from their wires, and ‘they’re ready to fly’…
(yes, you need a runway, which downtown Washington does NOT have, but Udvar Hazy does, being right next to Dulles…
When you can, get to both the Lincoln and the Jefferson monuments… both great, but to me very different ‘feelings’…
as the VietNam wall…and the Korea war monument… my brother’s war…

4 EDITOR -- Jimbaux February 28, 2011 at 21:56


I was there in January 2004 shortly after it opened.


5 Howard N. Bunte February 28, 2011 at 12:45

“Your comment is awaiting moderation”…………………..

story of my life…”awaiting moderation”…

Keep grinning…wish you were closer, I’d sign up in a heartbeat for the guitar lessons.

6 Tom Becket February 28, 2011 at 15:25

Glad to see you are making the best of your new environs. The photographic possibilties are wonderful. I’m not much of a tourist-I tend to avoid all the crowded places everyone goes as I don’t have a taste for picking my way through throngs of people, or paying the too high prices that are usually the case at most of those locations. That said, DC has a lot of really attractive monuments, which make for good photography. That said, if you can get to them at off beat times-you can park on Constitution Av along the Mall after working hours-you have opened up a lot of possibilities. The Lincon Memorial at night will bring tears to your eyes, as will the Vietnam Wall pretty much any time, but especially at night, it’s so subdued then. Bring your tripod, there are great views of the Washington Monumnent and the Capitol after dark, right from the Lincoln Memorial.

BTW, I have to chip in on the cathedrals. I have not been to Georgetown U-me, a graduate of a Jesuit high school!! But I have been to the National Cathedral. The Epicopalians seem to have a leg up on the Catholics when it comes to architecture. The RC’s seem to have always had a functional approach, where the Anglicans have always had a way of giving even a simple country church a sense of spirituality. I grew up in both-I’m baptized Episcopalian, but went to Catholic schools, so have some experience with this-and have been to some grand churches on both sides, but the Episcopalians seemed to be warmer and more inviting, where a lot of the Catholic churches seemed to be rather institutional. Just an observation, not meaning to slight anyone!!

7 EDITOR - Jimbaux February 28, 2011 at 16:51


Thanks for the note. Actually, maybe you didn’t see my piece featuring the Wall here:

I appreciate your observations!


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