This was a very strange and difficult period for me, a period of transition. The few pictures in this essay, both individually and as a whole, are relatively insipid, and it’s a reflection of how defeated I felt at the time.
I started the month of August 2010, the month after the month in which I went to Texas, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Ontario, and Quebec, in the nation’s capital.
August 2nd
Here we are – and “we” here is very loaded – in the Washington National Cathedral.

It is such a fascinating place!
I was a defeated and dejected man as I headed back southeast toward home a few days later.
August 7th
I don’t remember exactly which day I landed there, because I spent more than one night there, but The Mid-City Marine and JMS welcomed troubled me into their home in the greater metropolitan Atlanta area, and the only pictures that I have to share from that experience is of their cat Indy.

Yes, Indy was named after Indiana Jones. He died in early October 2019.
August 8th
Here is Indy the next day.

Yes, I am sorry that I don’t have much variety here. Again, it was a bad time.
August 21st
A new recycling place for residents of the city of New Orleans had just opened up, and, on the 21st, I went there for the first time.

I even had the official New Orleans automobile inspection sticker on my windshield; so, I really was an official resident, I guess!
That August and September of 2010 are getting fused into one blog essay is a function of the fact that I was in a largely self-imposed fasting of taking railroad pictures but also because I had lost the desire to do such things, though I would make a comeback in late October of that year, as you will see in the October 2010 Sampler essay.
September 29th
This is the Rebirth Brass Band at Lafayette Square.

I wonder if this is the time that Saint Jude saw me and said that I indeed looked gaunt (I remember it being at one of these Lafayette Square concerts, and the photo record doesn’t show me going to any such concert during the late summer or early fall of 2010 other than this one.) I had lost probably 20-25 pounds due to the stress and anxiety of what had transpired. I am a highly sensitive person.
That is all.