Lonely Southern Diversion

by Jim on 2020/06/16

Yesterday, we went to Beaumont, and I got some shots of Union Pacific’s job on what remains of the SP Lake Arthur Branch in Lake Charles.

With those tasks done, today, Tuesday 16 June 2020, I returned to the homestead in the afternoon via a long, circuitous diversion via places that I had not visited before.

Yes, I went via the coast road, even though there are basically no views of the actual coast from it, from even with Lake Charles to even with Lafayette.

It was pretty, but I took few pictures.

There were few places to easily stop and get out and take pictures.

There are a few neat bridges.

Coming northward from Pecan Island, I ran into this guy.

Yeah, dude, get off the road and go back to the water.

That’s all for now, and probably for the rest of the summer,too.


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