Hi. Today is Saturday 7 December 2019, and this will be a weird post, like another weird post that I made five years ago today; there are plenty more cell phone pictures than there are SLR camera pictures in this essay.
Here is the cat.

He’s not my cat, but he is the closest thing that I have to a cat to call my own.

I went eastward and then stopped in Morgan City, hence the first set of initials in the title of today’s post, and got out the SLR camera as I was presently surprised to see this at the port.

I had been seeing some work being done by the track here and some bulkhead flatcars in the area, but now I basically had confirmation that something for which I had long hoped, dimensional goods on flatcars being unloaded here at the port, was finally happening!

That’s neat! I like bulkhead flatcars. I guess that the plate steel is going to local shipyards.
Here is what is left of the loop track, with a bunch of new gravel next to it.

Okay, that’s interesting. Now, I have to continue eastward, and those three Morgan City images are the only SLR-camera images of this post.
I went to the storage unit and filled the truck up with stuff.
Shortly thereafter, I was at Heroes Park.

This place did not play any major role in my childhood, as I came here only sparingly, but it plays some strange role in my memories of childhood in ways that I have difficulty explaining.

Part of it may have to do with the fact that it’s very close to a place that was a major part of my father’s life and thus my life.

I think that some of those stones were all the same height and were attacked by vandals, hence the uneven nature of them.

I see baseball and think of my autism.
I went home.

This is where it all started.

In 2019, the Southern Pacific GP9s that passed on this right of way 35 years ago are still passing in my head.

I went to the bayou, where the SP ran.

It’s dark, yes.

So, I satiated my hunger, hence the other set of initials in the title of today’s post.

That was good. It’s time to head back west.

Oh, this is ridiculous, Jim!

Okay, that really is enough. Good night, or whatever.