A Deviant Sunday Worship

by Jim on 2012/02/12

[Jimbaux will always love you.]

Whatever.  No, I’m not a pop fan, but the poor girl died yesterday; so, I thought the song was appropriate.  Oh, and I do love all of you too!

Circuit Preaching

Today’s Sunday Sermon is brief and somewhat unscheduled, the former being a good thing and the latter being something of a necessity, even if that is a relative term itself.  Whatever.

See, What Had Happened Was . . .

I decided rather abruptly at around 18:30 yesterday (Saturday) that accomplishing everything on my list-of-things-to-do in the next few days required me to head back to the farm to get some stuff that I didn’t have with me here in Woadieville.  So, a half-hour later, I was on the road west-southwestbound on the coldest night of the season.  Oh, speaking of which, do y’all remember this from about a year ago?

Okay, enough of that.  I really don’t have time for any of this anyway, and I therefore really hope that you find this useful, even if only for entertainment purposes.  Whatever!  Can we get on the damned pictures, please?

So, I rolled out of the farm early this afternoon after lunch hoping to catch the eastbound Sunset Limited at Melodia.  Julie said he was about three hours late; so, I arrived on the scene but had to call her back after a few minutes when nothing was happening.  She alerted me that he was now projected into Schriever at 15:14 (though that’s not how she said it, since she has to have the average American minion who still uses that foolish 12-hour a.m.-p.m. silliness be able to understand her.)  So, it’s time to take some bird pictures while waiting for the train to arrive.

What kind of bird is that?

I had to accept the fact that I wasn’t going to make it to the gym on this Sunday like I did a week ago after taking train pictures.

So, at 15:25, the eastbound Sunset Limited finally blasted past me.

How’s that?  This shot took several minutes to process.  I used the lasso tool twice, the first to select almost everything expect the sky, and the second to merely select the train.

I, of course, followed the train eastward, knowing, of course, I would not see him again; the point, of course, is that both this train and I are headed to Woadieville.

Always Make The Most Of Intel

I stopped at Boutte to tank up the thirsty stallion.  While doing that, I heard someone tell someone else that he was “clear of the main at Salix.”  I wasn’t quite sure what this meant, unless the #2 was meeting a westbound that was only then pulling into Salix, but that, plus the fact that I heard “NS” in the transmission, led me to correctly surmise that a westbound was on the way, confirmed by the sight of an approaching headlight at Paul Mallard Road.

Parity At Paradís

Whatever.  As I suspected, this was Union Pacific train MNSEW, which you’ve seen featured on this site many times, most recently of one in Morgan City.

Anyway, this guy in the little red car decided he was going to park it in the highway and get something from his driveway (that he had just left) right as I’m getting my shot.

Whatever.  I don’t get needlessly irate about stuff like that like I once did.  Afterall, it’s part of the story, isn’t it?  Also, if everyone was either a foamer and a photographer or at least sensitive to the needs foamers and photographers, who on Earth would I be?

Here’s a view a few seconds later, and you can see that this is a very steely train from pipe to coils.

And one more, a going-away view, as he knocks down the 26.3 signal.  I like coil cars; don’t you?

That’s enough of that crap.  I have other stuff to do.  What is life like?  Work, work, work, work, work, eat, work, work, sleep, work, work, foam, work, coffee with friends, work, work, work, telephone conversations with friends, work, work, foam, blog, work, eat, work, sleep, work, work.  You should see my list of things to do!  I could live another century and still only get done about a tenth of what’s on the list.  Death, I am not remotely ready for you!  Anyway, it’s time to end this post.

After 10 Years, I Finally Know Why He Calls Himself “Ovation Kid”

I knew that he played guitar, but I didn’t realize that railroad enthusiast and occasional Jimbaux’s Journal reader Paul Hebert was this good!  That just makes me want to throw my guitar in the dumpster!  Really, that song is really good, and you guys please help a man as talented as Paul is to get some exposure!  I’ve actually met him a few times over the years, though I think that the last time was in 2005 when the Louisiana Steam Train Association ran its Bicentennial Train.

That’s all for now.  Y’all be good.


{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Paul Hebert February 12, 2012 at 23:00

Hi James, thanks for the nice words. You can see more of my guitar videos on YouTube. I am know as “ovationpdh” there….Paul Hebert 🙂

2 Don Howard February 13, 2012 at 00:05

Jim I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your photos. Please keep up the good work.

3 raydupe February 13, 2012 at 04:27

I like the location of the photos, nice curve, typical La. country road, beautiful live oak tree, better sans the auto and trash pile. A dream to have an SP loco consist on the point. good…..

4 Jeff Guidry February 13, 2012 at 17:33

I think it’s a Savannah Sparrow. Not sure.

5 Art Reid March 6, 2012 at 18:12

I like the bird, not sure what it is either. I kind of think the car makes the one shot myself, the red sort of makes it pop and gives it that country road feel with the train next to it, but that’s just my take, the trash pile…well I could live with out that but back roads are the same here in middle Maryland as I am sure you know.

6 Angeline February 12, 2014 at 09:27

I really like the bird picture. I also believe it’s a sparrow. I guess I would be a minion, as I have always found it easier to use the foolish 12hr am-pm silliness. 🙂

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