Introducing: Cooking With Kate

by Jim on 2011/05/11

[Jimbaux only knows that he can change; everything else just stays the same.]

And Now For Something Completely Different . . .

Didn’t I tell y’all that there’d be something different here on Jimbaux’s Journal this week?  In what will be mutually beneficial for our respective websites, Jimbaux teamed up with Kate on Sunday.  She’s a reader of Jimbaux’s Journal, and I always love meeting people through this site.  We had been communicating on Twitter and have a few mutual friends, and she invited me over to photograph her cooking action – and also let me take part in it – in the hopes of using some of these pictures on her site.  As I’m typing this, she has yet to post her article on this event, but I’ll let you know when she does.  She has just posted a recipe and instructions for this, while I’m merely posting pictures and stories.

Yes, she looks, in person, every bit as good as she looks in these pictures!

On that note, I’ve been told several times that my photography elevates the mundane.  I don’t agree, and this is a perfect case of why.  I reply that my photography reveals the inherent beauty that is in all things, that it’s my job as an artist and a teacher to reveal that beauty.  So it is true with both Kate and her work.

I think that I mentioned something about tomatoes being proof that God loves us, or something.

Yes, when I walked into her very tight kitchen, I immediately understood the name of her blog site!

Yes, I shredded one of those sweet potatoes!  When Kate posts her article, you’ll see what they became.

A Part Of Me

Ah, shallots!  My great-great-grandfather Edgar Didier Robichaux grew shallots on Bayou Lafourche.

As you’ll read in the post-picture section, there are other reasons to think of the fatherland now.

Lens Review Time

So, the 15-85mm/f3.5-5.6 performed quite well in this case, don’t you think?

I can only imagine if I’d have had the 17-40mm/f4; the extra 2mm makes a big difference in such a tight setting, methinks?

See that tuna there?  Notice I don’t have any pictures of Kate chopping it?  That’s because Jimbaux chopped it!

So, yes, in addition to getting a wonderful meal, some leftovers, making a new friend, helping her, and creating site content for both of us, I also got some badly-needed cooking lessons!  Thanks, Kate.

That was the first half of the pictures from the event.  I’ll post the second half when Kate publishes her post with her recipies. She has just done that; check it out here.  She and I are talking about making this an ongoing series; I hope so!

Remember, if you like what you see here, the best way to keep up with updates is to join the Facebook fan page.

Thinking Of Home, Worried About The Fatherland

I’m worried.  Times of distress like this make me wish I was back home to help out.  You may have seen that southern Louisiana is being threatened aquatically, but this time, it’s from water on the continent, from the North.

Here’s what my father wrote to me last night:

The coming big flood is the total topic of conversation around here tonight. We are waiting for an announcement by the Corps of Engineers as to when they will open the Morganza Spillway. This will flood many communities along whatever they call the old 90 and many people have already emptied their homes of all their earthly things.

Wow.  My folks and most of my close family are safe, as they live on relatively high ground, but they will undoubtedly see effects of this.  Please keep everyone back home in your thoughts.  Thank you.

It’s such a reminder of the fragility of human life, and life itself.  Remember, my friends, we only have one life to live; don’t be afraid to live the best life that you can live.  It’s the only thing that you can do for this crazy, beautiful world.



{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Philip Clement May 11, 2011 at 13:43

Thanks Jimbaux, Im going to go and eat now!! 😉


2 Jerry May 11, 2011 at 22:02

Well at least its not pics of crack ho’s.


3 Lynn May 13, 2011 at 00:51

So, the racism and sexism is screaming in this brief commentary while my mind twists around not spewing profanity and judging you, Jerry – because I have my faults and pass my own judgement over people plenty of times.. but not every black girl out at a club is a “ho” or on “drugs.” Do you know those women? Personally? I don’t but I certainly didn’t think anything in the previous post shouted, gangs, drugs, or a bad or scary situation and I’m as white and country as you can get! But this scripture came to mind.

Matthew 7:1-5 ESV
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.


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