Cud-Chewing Bovine Beasts

by Jim on 2011/02/17

Tired of trains, mes amis?  Tired of analyzing shots?  Here’s a break in that action.  Listen to this while you’re see what’s below.

I’m A Cowboy, On The Silver Steel Stallion I Ride

And while I was riding that silver steel Japanese horse across the middle of the North American continent, I stopped to get these shots.

When I spotted these South Dakota beasts from the highway I was traveling northward, they were facing the other direction, but the nilla approaching them must have made them curious, and they all turned their whole bodies around and faced my direction.  Sheesh, you guys don’t get out much, do you?  I’d recommend you all get your four-legged, hooved selves out of South Dakota and see what the world has to offer you.

See you guys at Taco Bell?  Those of you with beef clogging your intestines, you have these guys to blame.  I’d say to give them the death penalty for their crimes, but what do I know?

The above two pictures were taken on Jimbaux’s Great Northward Pilgrimage of 2008, a monumental learning experience that took him through (if we include Louisiana) 13 US states and three Canadian provinces.  It was on that pilgrimage that these pictures were taken.

Magnolia Meat

Much farther to the south, here are a couple of beasts around Sandy Hook, Mississippi.

Enough cow silliness for you?

Commentary is always welcome, and, in this case, I’ve written so little that we could reach the great goal of having more words in the comments section than in the article itself.  It almost happened (and still could) in yesterday’s article.

Attention Houma, Thibodaux, and Napoleonville Folks!

My gal Ashley Beth passes this along to you, and Jimbaux wants you to know that he recommends her for your photo needs!

Napoleonville, Thibodaux and Houma peeps…I have an opening for a photo session this Saturday. Email me for details…my site is temporarily down.

Make sure that you tell her that Jimbaux sent you!  She’s straight-out-of-the-bayou (the same bayou, mind you) as yours truly.


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Joy February 17, 2011 at 11:17

Funny! And something I relate to and photograph, too often. I think there is an argument as to how much of them you get in your Taco Bell now!


2 Howard Bingham February 17, 2011 at 17:05

Reminds me of the scene at Flatonia, Tx. when trains are scarce..


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