Mais, Dat Don’t Look Like No Cypress Tree Der, Sha

by Jim on 2011/01/22

Mes amis, here are some pictures I took in Savannah, Georgia, USA, yesterday.  They’re nothing really spectacular, but that’s okay, I guess.

Man, I felt right at home with all of this Spanish moss!   The only thing that would have really jacked my bearings was had they been cypress trees.

And here’s a nice magnolia tree.  These three tree pictures were taken along 60th Street.

I had to jack around with levels on these shots because the Auto Levels tool simply gave an unsatisfactory result.

Splurge Time!

Bison Bill and Lady Dakota asked me what I wanted  to eat last night.  I had no real answer other than “food” at first, but then, as I kept looking at the bacon cheeseburger picture from yesterday’s post, I kept wanting one of those again.  Mind you, like I said last time, that was my first hamburger since August!  Now, only a day later, I was ready for another one.  I like seafood, and this was Savannah along the coast, but seafood does have a habit of leaving me really hungry only two hours after eating a whole serving.

So, we went downtown – and downtown Savannah is a really interesting place, dudes – to B&D Burgers, a well known Savannah hamburger establishment.

Isn’t that ridiculous?  That’s what I thought!  No, I did not sign up for the challenge.  There’s no way I’m eating three pounds of meat in 40 minutes.  The biggest burger I had ever eaten to date was the 2/3lb bacon cheeseburger at Braum’s.  You Oklahoma folks know about that!

A New and Dubious Record

Well, I did decide to go ahead and order the one-pound Whitaker burger, which came with bleu cheese and bacon in addition to the usual lettuce, tomato, onions, and pickles.  It was to be the largest hamburger I ever eat, and I don’t plan on ever eating a burger that big again!

This thing was a small monster itself.  See for yourself:

Yeah, what do you not see in this picture?  A bun is right!  The burger patty is so big that it’s obscuring the bun here.  After that, I took this shot after building the burger and removing it from the basket so I could photograph it from this low angle.

Yes, I did complete all of it, my friends, but I had room for nothing else afterward!  I did not touch the fries that came with this thing, and I hate wasting food, but I guess that’s just small potatoes.

More of Tante Vivian

I am grateful for all of the positive responses – both public and private – that I got for the post yesterday about Tante Vivian.  Here are some more pictures from that morning in April 2009.

Aunt Vivian was very proud of her garden and insisted she show it to me and that I photograph it.  I’m glad that I did!

Speaking of eating plenty, y’all might remember from yesterday that I ate Cheerios with Aunt Vivian (eating them “Uncle Richard style,” of course) that morning.  Well, I do have a big appetite, although I’m not an active weightlifter right now (which I hope to change very soon), but I was back then.  It was not long after leaving Aunt Vivian that I went foaming in Hapeville and some nearby towns only to land back in Hapeville and eat breakfast (again) at a diner by the Norfolk Southern tracks.

Well, that’s it for now, my friends.  I hope that you have enjoyed it.  I’d write more, but I need to move!


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Patrick D. Champagne January 22, 2011 at 11:52

Hey, Jimbaux:

Another masterpiece!! You do it up great.

Uncle Pat & Aunt Lynn


2 Howard Bunte January 31, 2011 at 23:50

absolutely GREAT pictures of Tante Viv’s garden… thecolors are great…and I hope they are as you remember them. My mother loved Iris… (as in the Impressionists , one who did a whole series of paintings of the tall purple irises… in Givency (wherever that is in france…
where I am going this summer…


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