Homecoming Day – Compilation

by Jim on 2011/07/31

[Jimbaux would like to thank the people in his life . . . for putting up with him.]

Yes, thank you, for all the times you’ve sacrificed, and listen to the rest of the song too, for the lyrics are all appropriate!

I wanted to make a compilation post for the four posts I made of my day of returning to Louisiana – a day that started in Chattanooga, Tennessee – on 22 July 2011.  It’s been a crazy year, a year of facing the self, a year of facing the fears one didn’t understand, a year of fighting demons, a year that has left me a more mature man.

The pictures in all four of the below links were taken all in one day.  Yes, I’m a photographic beast!

Part 1 – Chattanooga, Tennesse

Lookout Mountain at sunrise, the Norfolk Southern Railway’s major yard, and an encounter with a homeless person.

Part 2 – Central Alabama

The Norfolk Southern Railway and Rural Scenes along US Hwy 11.

Part 3 – Mississippi

The Kansas City Southern Railway in Meridian and Hattiesburg.

Part 4 – The Grande Finale In Louisiana!

This one is really big, soulful, and powerful.  Resist the urge to scroll ahead and look through the pictures before reading the text.  I bash equally the DC and East Coast urban culture that I left as well as the mostly small town Louisiana culture to which I was returning, the one I wanted so badly to escape before, the one that made DC and its seeming progressivism seem so attractive to me, as fate nearly robs me of a wonderful picture of a train that was, fortuitously for me, running about a half-hour late!

The Part 4 article received plenty of comments.  Feel free to add yours.  Also, don’t forget about this:


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Here are a few pictures, two from where the day’s journey started, and one where it ended, at least photographically.

You really need to read all of Part 4! 🙂

Thanks.  Really, thanks, and if you like what you see here, please show anyone who might be interested.



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