The first and foremost question that confronted me in how to incorporate the few pictures that I took from July 2013 to October 2013 inclusive into my pattern of “sampler” essays is whether to include them in a July-October post or whether to split them into a July post and an August-September-October post, because there were so few pictures made during that span of time – but, especially, after July – that I have to fuse some months together.
As you hopefully gathered from reading the title, I have decided to do the latter, mainly because, as I begin composing this essay on the last day of June 2023 as I eat a shrimp poboy after taking a shower and in the hopes of publishing it on the first of the month, I want to get the writing of this essay done as quickly as I can, tabling discussing other topics until the August-October post.
However, in many ways, there is a continuity in the themes of my life from July until the fall, but I think that I can cover that in the next essay, which will have an even smaller variety of images than this one has. Moreover, the “June 2013 Sampler” essay really does say plenty that helps explain the frame of mind with which (or in which) I entered July 2013.
As I said last time, I had worked at a summer school for a few weeks in June. In July, I earned no income at all and also didn’t travel anywhere beyond New Orleans and Bayouland. I also barely took any pictures. I was focused on comedy and music, and, except for a particular musical project, all of this would come to an abrupt end in early August. I will write about that next time, in the August-September-October sampler essay.
For now, let’s get to the pictures, of which there are only five.
Friday, The 5th
I guess that I was returning to Whoadieville on this day to go to Buffa’s that night. Anyway, here I am in Schriever.

Yes, this is one of the few times that I photographed the Chip Local after Chip retired.
Friday, The 12th
This was a strange time for me, but the strangeness now makes sense given the knowledge that I am autistic.

Anyway, for me, the most tragic thing about all of this is that I was feeling accepted in this place, which was such a rare thing for me, only to have all of it have to come to an abrupt halt in early August due to the need to earn a paycheck.
Saturday, The 13th
This is a bit cheating. This is the same event, only dragged into the next date.

That was part of why I had to quit doing this, but definitely not the only reason. The other reason was the rigidity that overcame me when I returned to the prison.
Also, what ever happened to Jake Potter?
Saturday, The 20th
Ohmygod, what was I doing in Morgan City?

I am almost embarrassed to say now, but it is still something of which I should be proud. Still, I have been ashamed to publish my good work.
Tuesday, The 23rd
Finally, here is a brief scene at Destrehan Yard.

I went visit a cousin there, someone from whom I was trying to gain acceptance.
I gave up on this once the Trump Era started.
That’s all for the pictures.
The following month, the summer of art, the summer of music and comedy, would come to a painfully abrupt end, as I would find myself becoming very rigid and unhappy as I was sent back to what had become a prison and what had actually been a prison all along, even as I had thrived in it.