April 2013 Sampler

by Jim on 2023/04/01

Greetings, and welcome to the April 2013 Sampler essay. Many of the nine images shown here have a very “spring” feel to them.

Thursday, The 4th

I was on my way between Bayouland and Whoadieville when I made this grab shot in Paradís.

I wish that I had shot it in RAW.

Monday, The 8th

Here we are at Avondale.

I just randomly think about a high-school friend who is quite racist.

Wednesday, The 10th

I think that I was going to physical therapy when I caught this.

That is Union Pacific Railroad’s ZLAJX moving eastbound on the riverfront trackage of the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad.

Thursday, The 11th

There was like a fair or something happening in Raceland on this day.

I am reminded of community alienation.

Friday, The 12th

I have a longing to just be normal while also harboring a longing to stand out.

I think that I now know what it means, but I didn’t know what it meant when I took these pictures.

Saturday, The 13th

Here, the ruins of Caldwell Sugars, which closed in about 2002, can be seen over the fresh sugar cane.

The Texas & Pacific Railway served this area via a branch from Donaldsonville that lasted into the 1980s.

Friday, The 19th

I hardly ever photograph the eastbound Sunset Limited, but here it is, stopping at Schriever.

I don’t imagine that I planned to be back here for the next passenger train to pass through.

Saturday, The 20th

Here I am back at the same place about 15 hours later for the westbound Sunset Limited.

We should have more of this!

Sunday, The 28th

On this day, I made my first big morning outing in months, and I caught the ZLAJX moving eastward on the NS Back Belt.

I remember the zero-day post of that day’s outing more than the outing itself.

That’s all for now.


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