Fly High, King

by Jim on 2022/01/07

What can I say?  Not much.  It’s a new year, I have not really photographed anything since November 18, and no pictures that I have made this month or will do for the rest of this month will match even a sample of my photographic output from 10 years ago this month or even of last January.

I am sorry to be so bleak, or maybe I am not, but what do we do with such a doomed society?

Anyway, we had a meeting this morning.

Some jerk was smoking cigarettes and sending the smoke our way.

I like lumber.

I want to see and photograph trains delivering cars of lumber to lumberyards.

The thing that I had to do next was awkward, and it was awkward because of what I wanted to say but was scared to say.

This was my first time here.

We need more and better passenger trains, and we need a high-speed passenger-rail system.

We could do this.

Still, I wish that I knew more about this place.

My pal Porkchop does.

So, the next thing that I did was go by the railroad yard in Lafayette, the only railroad yard in Lafayette unless you consider Elks a yard.

There is something wrong with my mid-range zoom lens, as the unfocused area in the right portion of this image suggests.

Yeah, of course I went there, because I am an addict.

Then, it was time to go to New Iberia, just because.

We are by the old Iberia Sugar Coop mill here.

There is an old Missouri Pacific Railroad yard here that the Louisiana & Delta Railroad now uses for storage and for switching that the interchange yard is too full to do.

Really, this outing was depressing.

That’s all.  I hope that my content here gets better, but, at this point, I can make no promises.  I am sorry.


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