Today, Tuesday 19 October 2021, was The Duke’s follow-up appointment after his major surgery.
After the appointment, we returned to the brick place, where we were yesterday before we saw the Louisiana & Delta’s BR job returning to Lafayette from the salt mine at Breaux Bridge.
Just like yesterday, I neglected today to bring my DSLR cameras with me; so, just like yesterday, all of the images in this post were made with my Samsung tablet computer.
Here are some areal views of the junction from the 1940s.

Look at the original Southern Pacific yard, and the roundhouse, still there!

Look at the Alexandria Branch and the Breaux Bridge Branch!
After that, we went to check out what was happening at Elks. The L&D had just finished serving the International Paper place.

I talked to Londunn; they were waiting on a track warrant to pull out onto the mainline.

It was going to be a while, as, supposedly, another L&D job was approaching from the east.

So, that’s how this set of pictures.

We saw no other trains, as we had to leave to tend to other business.
That’s all for the pictures today.
Later today, I took the on Woodlawn south of Milton, the first time that I go to that part of Milton, drive on that part of Woodlawn, and I saw nice houses with awful, fascist flags on them. This is so demoralizing.
I hope to have more uplifting things to say in the future, but I hope that you like my recent “October 2011 Sampler” essay.
That’s all for now.