Back in elementary, Jimbaux thrived on misery.
Hey, how are y’all doing? There is so much to discuss! Did you read my recent update on Patreon? I still am not ready to reactivate the Facebook page; there is still work that I need to do before I do that.
I stopped in Lake Arthur today on my way from the homestead to farther-western outpost, and I got a few cell-phone snaps at the little park area in the central part of town. I don’t think that I have taken an SLR-camera picture since June!

I would loved to have seen the railroad that served this place until about 40 years ago.

So, I have been assiduously plowing through my DLSR-camera pictures from a year ago, and I now have all of the August 2019 pictures up (except for one small and insipid set from the 23rd for which I didn’t make a blog post last year) and all of the September 2019 pictures processed but not yet posted, and, man, it has been a huge time suck!

I will be so relieved when all of the 2019 pictures are done.

On that note, I am really chewing through the backlog, because, while I am working on all of these DSLR-camera pictures (since this is a post of cell-phone pictures, I feel the need to specify ‘real’ camera pictures), I am not creating new ones!

I literally haven’t taken my camera out since June!

Except for occasional travels, I just don’t see myself taking large-scale quantities of pictures anymore for the foreseeable future, if not for the rest of my life, and that’s okay. Last year was a busy year for photography for me because I was busy bouncing back and forth between the homestead and New Orleans, which I knew would end and of which I wanted to take advantage by taking pictures while I still could, and because of the trains of the Louisiana & Delta Railroad branchline to Abbeville, which I had a hunch would not last.

I passed through Kaplan on the way over here. It’s so sad to see the derelict old rice-mill complexes and where the railroad tracks were. I would so love to have seen the trains that operated in that neat little town and area.
Oh, I see that people think that Joe Biden’s speech at the party convention tonight was good. Okay. I hope so. That guy sucks, and he is a big deficit hawk, but we have to vote for him anyway, sadly. No, this isn’t the time to play spoiler, not with democracy itself on the line.
I can’t believe that this is where we are, but am lately incredulous about so many things.
Oh, well.