A Different 1503

by Jim on 2019/11/26

Today is Tuesday 26 November 2019, and I am in New Orleans.

This will not last, which is a(n at-least) double entendre.

That is some work being done around Saint Peter Street in New Orleans.

Anyway, I went foaming on the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad, and I found this.

Yes, this is a job moving southward from NOPB France Yard shoving a loaded car of plate steel.

It’s crossing Florida Avenue now.

I have never seen this kind of move being made here.

That’s great, since I will be permanently moving out of this city soon.

This is the destination for this steel.

This is Kloeckner Metals.

The 1503 has left the hopper cars back past the switch to the metals place.

With the car set out, the 1503 decoupled and returned to its train, and I went to Claiborne Avenue to try to catch it.

Here it is.

Yeah, neither am I that impressed.

Anyway, I had to go to a place with a bad name to try to get my device repaired.

This is interesting.

So long, old Samsung Galaxy tablet.

I should have stopped and photographed mural on Martin Luther King Boulevard, but I wanted to get to that AT&T place on Claiborne Avenue in time.

Oh, well. I head west tomorrow, hopefully with a new device.


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