Here Jimbaux goes again on his own, going the only road he's ever known.
Hey, good morning. Is this my rewhoadification? Is this all that there is to it, and all that there was going to be to it? Because, this ain’t it, chief.
It’s Saturday 30 March 2019, and I have chased two northbound Norfolk Southern Railway trains out of Oliver Yard in New Orleans.

This is the Lake Pontchartrain bridge on the northeastern edge of New Orleans.

I really don’t know what is up with the color correction here, but you’re getting what you pay for.
But that is a manifest train.

Now, here is an intermodal train on the manifest train’s tail.

That looks better, at least a little bit.
Let’s see how this looks in greyscale.

That is my fallback when the color is not good.
I guess that this is not bad.

Okay, let’s head back to town.
I proceed to the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad’s France Yard. South of the yard, the NOPB line reaching the yard crosses the NS’s Chalmette Branch just west of France Road and just north of the Florida Avenue Canal, and that is where I found NS’s morningly train out of Oliver Yard to Arabi.

Let me get to the northern side of the track before the train gets to the road.

I really like these old cylindrical hopper cars.
Heck, I might as well chase this thing a little way across the canal and into the Lower Ninth Ward.

I like that bridge, but this is a weird place to photograph a train.

Well, that is all for now. This wasn’t as good as what I did at the beginning of this month, but it’s presented here nonetheless.
I don’t really feel all that rewhoadified; it’s not like it was 10 years ago, or even five years ago.
Oh, well.