Saturday on Pendleton Street

by Jim on 2011/04/24

[Jimbaux knows that it’s in our nature to kill each other.]

Here are a few shots from Saturday on Pendleton Street at the Potomac River in Alexandria, Virginia.  I did get some Easter Sunday shots, but those will come later.

I Need a Bicycle

I need plenty of things.  I need a new camera and new lenses.  I need a bicycle.  At least the crooks didn’t get my guitar.  I need to not need so much.  Perhaps the same is true for you.

Oh, by the way, one piece of camera gear that the crooks didn’t get was my tripod.  I paid a hefty price for that thing, and I rarely use it too.

I want to get some big lenses and get myself back to Front Royal.

I’m giving someone a (paid) ukulele lesson this week.  That ought to be interesting!

It now really feels like spring here.  I guess that’s a good thing.  I need to get out and jog and run.

I’m still psyched about that really cool shot I got south of Front Royal from the bridge.  Isn’t that shot cool?  And it was with a clicker camera too!

What About The NS Branch Track in Alexandria?

I hope that some of the local foamers can enlighten me about this NS line that comes through town here.  It seems to end at some place where I saw a couple of boxcars spotted.

I’ll bet, unfortunately, that it’s a nocturnal job that serves this line, and the nearby powerplant, but I saw some ALCos there too.  What’s up with that?

That’s enough for now, dudes.  I hope that everyone has had a Happy Easter!

Chicken Ain’t Nothin’ But A Bird

Here’s an interesting article about the explosion in the feral chicken population in New Orleans!



{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Todd April 24, 2011 at 21:50

WTF is all this? Where are the trains?


2 EDITOR -- Jimbaux April 24, 2011 at 21:51

Well, there is an empty track along with some questions about its use!


3 JJM April 24, 2011 at 22:15

So, what is up with the captions not being related to the pictures??? [except for the empty train track pic]


4 John Fuller April 25, 2011 at 07:34

The NS branch is known, historically, as “the PEPCO lead.” It connects with CSX at Slater’s Lane, and back to NS again at “VAL,” near CSX’s “AF” control point. NS uses it to bring coal and trona (for pollution control) to the power plant at the north end of Alexandria and return with cars filled with fly ash, and also to shuttle boxcars loaded with newsprint from Robinson Terminal (south end of the track) over to the Washington Post’s printing plant in Springfield. The NS local performing these duties is the P54. When it comes onto CSX, it changes symbols to Z854. The NS yard where these trains are staged areVan Dorn (at Van Dorn Street) and Seminary (parallel to CSX’s AF).

It frequently runs in the daytime, usually mid morning to mid afternoon, several days a week. I do not believe it operates at night any longer. It’s easy to shoot. Monitor 160.195 (NS) and 161.55 (CSX) for movements.

John Fuller / Alexandria


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