August 2014 Sampler

by Jim on 2024/08/01

Greetings, and welcome to the August 2014 Sampler essay.  This one will be brief, because I took SLR-camera pictures on only three days in the month of August 2014, both because of the August heat and because I had my second back surgery of the year that month.

Another relevant factor here about this essay and the rest of the 2014 “Sampler” essays except for the December one is that, except for the last image shown in this essay, no new material will be shown, as all of the material from that time period already is online on this website.

Let’s get started.

Friday, The 8th

I was in New Orleans, and, on the CSX at Alvar Street, I photographed an interchange train that the Union Pacific Railroad was running to the CSX.

Later that day, I photographed an interchange train that UP was running to the Norfolk Southern Railway.

Wednesday, The 27th

On this day, I found, parked on the New Orleans & Gulf Coast Railway at the parish line next to Gouldsboro Yard, the NOGC 1229 and a train.

Earlier that day, I got some pictures on the NS Back Belt and the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad in New Orleans.

Sunday, The 31st

So, here is where things get weird.  I am visiting the neat rice mill in Abbeville, where these UP-family hopper cars were spotted for loading with rice.

This seems to have been the first time that I spent the night in the Lafayette-Vermilion area not in a hotel due to the magnetic force that was pulling me there against my will.  So, this picture is significant because of the significance of the trip from home on which it was made.

Anyway, at the very least, at least the rest of 2014 had me back home and in places of my choosing east of home, like the metropolitan New Orleans area and southern Mississippi, as you will see in the next few “Sampler” essays.


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