Mistakes And Humiliation

by Jim on 2024/02/17

Jimbaux doesn’t know where he’s going
But he sure knows where he’s been

Hi, there.  So, today is Saturday 17 February 2024, and I spent the night at my friend’s house after coming into town yesterday.  I had a difficult meeting today, and I managed to get some decent pictures afterward.

Today, I made my first action pictures of trains in 2024 in Louisiana that weren’t from a very far-off place like DeRidder, where I photographed some CPKC activity on January 26, followed by a brief glimpse of activity at UP Englewood Yard in Houston the next day.

Awakening And Breakfast

I left my friend’s house at 08:20, and I rolled out of the driveway at 08:21.  This all seems like a bleak way to live, very Neoliberal.  Did I just say that?  Yes, I did.

I was just thinking that I didn’t enjoy the drive yesterday.  I often do enjoy the drive. 

This morning, I have to deal yet again with people with no headlights on, driving northward.  This was all sugarcane field not that long ago.  It makes me feel both sad and old.  I guess that I am sad and old.

I actually should eat at Waffle House, but I am not going to do so.  Sonic? I kind of almost should eat there.

Oh, look, it’s Melrose Drive, where I spent some time back in the day, years ago.

I saw the new Aldi’s store.  My friend had told me about it.

I haven’t been inside of this McDonald’s in a really long time, I really don’t know when.

I needed to have a fairly full stomach for the difficult meeting that I would soon attend.

That was okay.

The ‘Port

The drive to Ue Ue’s house was depressing.  I got there at 09:19.  It was cold.

I can’t really say much about the meeting, even obliquely, that doesn’t publicize things that I don’t want to publish.  There was sympathy, and there was salt rubbed in the wounds, and from the same people, sadly.  There was shame.

She gave me a book.  She said that she was struck by how bad The Duke looked on New Year’s Eve.

I told UK the David Lee Roth thing, and he laughed.  Yep, he turned 30.

We went eat.

Everything is very depressing.  We saw the St Pierres.  They recognized me.  They look the same, though just a little bit older.  I look much older!

I got a few pictures in town

This place is special.

I guessed that I would go to Schriever.  I guessed.

I just feel so horrible.  It didn’t have to be this way.

I don’t know.  They just don’t get it.  They get what they get and don’t get what they don’t get. 


I stopped to get some pictures at the Raceland Proper track.

I was feeling pretty depressed. 

Nobody visits her nowNobody visits her now!  She does not have a good life.

“Here I Go Again” by Whitesnake was playing on Eagle 98.1 as I was driving, followed by “Every Little Step” by Bobby Brown on 96.1FM The River.

I went to the house of a family friend for a visit, partly because I wanted to discuss just what was discussed at the meeting earlier in the day.

I left that house at 15:55, possibly too late to catch the Union Pacific Railroad’s New Iberia Turn.  I drove by the high school.  Everything here is the same, except that there is this new DSLD subdivision, with these new styles of houses that are kind of gross-looking, okay, not really.

I wish that I didn’t hate everything, and I don’t hate everything.

So, I was thinking about how – and this is an autism thing, but it’s really more of a living-in-an-allistic-society thing – like I have had trouble with lateral work relationships, not that I desire to be dominant, but I must be dominant in order to avoid being dominated in a lateral relationship, because, being autistic and the other ways that I am, I have boundaries that few people respect. 

That is profound!  The experience this past summer with The Gym People Pleaser helped me to understand why I experience lateral relationships like I do.


I got to the track.

Yeah, a train came.

This train is eastbound, and it stopped, for some reason.

This eastbound BNSF train stopped with the head end just east of the overpass, with the tail end apparently hanging over North Main Project Road at least and maybe even Horseshoe Road, and then it resumed moving. 

I don’t know what happened.  It may have been an emergency brake thing, but I don’t recall hearing a sudden air release.

So, because the train stopped and was at other times creeping by me, I was able to get some decent shots of some of the cars.

I love those old Conrail coil cars!  It’s too bad about the graffiti.

Check out these new scrap-metal gondolas.

I have to do a little bit of research on these things.

I guess that that’s better than the more-insipid new cars that we normally get nowadays.

Here comes the end of the train.

Those are some BNSF hopper cars.

Finally, there are carbon-black hopper cars and rear-end DPU.

That’s all for the pictures for today.

The centerbeam car has been unloaded.  Either the Union Pacific Railroad local train was well past here or it was waiting on this train to clear Raceland.  I don’t know, and it doesn’t really matter.  I want to go home, man.  I enjoyed being on the campus yesterday, and that chicken quesadilla thing was good, even though it was small and somewhat pricey for its size.

There was no sign of the UP local train.  So, I just decided to press on westward.  I need to return to the stupid house, go to sleep, and try to kick some butt tomorrow, try to sort and organize things.

Everything sucks. 

I hope to do better soon.


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