I was hoping to bag some good train shots today, but friendship won out, thankfully, as I returned home for the first time in only three days! I really didn’t understand friendship until the Trump Era, though. I did get some railroad pictures and even photographed one moving train, though. I learned about Rock 97.7.
I arrived in Morgan City late in the morning, and the westbound Amtrak Sunset Limited already was late. So, I went to the port.

Yeah, there is nothing special happening there, but it’s good to see tonnage still there, given that the Louisiana & Delta Railroad’s Schriever job has been abolished and just runs on the extra board now.
I headed back west toward the Atchafalaya River.

This part of Morgan City is interesting.

So, of course, I am set up at – where else? – Oregon Street in Berwick.

We will know that the train is getting close when the bridge span gets lowered.

I got a cell phone shot of the camera setup.

Here comes the train, leaving Morgan City. Amtrak 201 and Amtrak 190 were the locomotives.

Yes, it’s overdone. Yes, I am tired of this shot, actually.

But I am here, so is the train, and it’s a pretty day.

It’s interesting, I guess, but it’s less interesting when you’ve done it for 15 years.

Okay, it’s time to get back on the highway to head east. Let’s go to Schriever!

So, here I am in the location of my mystic past.

Here is what is about the most interesting thing in railroading today.

This is a BNSF Railway centerbeam flatcar loaded with Douglas Fir.

This shipment is presumably bound for Dufrene Building Material.

I wish that I could see a train of just a few of these moving on a local branchline.

That could have happened if the branch had been saved up to the location of the old Thibodaux Boiler Works, which is very close to Dufrene Building Material’s facility.

This is what remains of the old Houma Branch.

I have dreams of building a business for centerbeam shipments.

This is what remains of the old Houma Branch.
So, it was time to leave Schriever to return to another special place nearby. On the way there, I saw this.

That is what remains of another special place from my past!
Anyway, here is the nearby special place.

That tree was important.
I visited with an old family friend.
There was a Chaney Lumber truck one street over on WC.
Then, I went by the end of the Texas & Pacific Railway branch and hung out with a childhood friend, whom I had wanted to see – and accidentally did see – when I came here three days ago.
Then, I went eat.

Then, I returned to the track.

But there was no train. I never heard about or saw the Union Pacific local train that I was seeking all day.

And, really, that’s okay.
That’s all.