Today is Monday 18 October 2021. The Duke and I had some construction-related errands to run today. Hopefully, this will become more common in the future, without The Duke.
Yesterday, in New Iberia, I noticed that there was no UP local train, and I got worried. According to Perry, the train didn’t run, because no crew was available. So, the train for which I was waiting on Saturday never came!
Colin Powell died. Wow.
Today, I learned about the reason for the end of railroad service for the brick yard that was in the middle of Lafayette. Apparently, cars of brick would be delivered on a Friday afternoon, and the railroads would charge demurrage if they weren’t unloaded within a day, necessitating the brick yard pay people overtime to come out on Saturday to unload the cars.
What is up with that?
Unfortunately, I neglected to bring my DSLR cameras with me on this day, but I did have my tablet computer; so, the four images that you will see here were taken with the Samsung tablet computer.
After we visited the brickyard, we briefly went foaming, and I was going to go to Breaux Bridge to the salt mine, but, at Teurlings Drive, I intercepted the train – the Louisiana & Delta Railroad’s BR Job – returning westward to Lafayette.
So, I had to quickly figure out where to shoot this thing, and I settled on the shot that I did on February 2 at Division Street.

I like that! I really do.

I think that that first boxcar, the big Railbox car, is an empty car from the paper place at Southpark, while the other three boxcars are loaded cars from the salt mine.

Damn, I love that “SOUTHERN PACIFIC” lettering, and, damn, I hate that graffiti!
This job uses a locomotive at each end of the train due to need to often reverse direction.
We ate at a Sonic in Lafayette, which wasn’t good.
But we got done what we needed to get done.
Here are some western rocks.

That’s all for today. I hope to do better soon.