As I was desperately waiting news about jobs from those two schools at which I had interviewed or applied, today, 22 July 2019, we went to Intracoastal City.

Hurricane Barry made landfall here fewer than two weeks ago.

These are shrimp boats.

Most of the people who work on these boats are of Vietnamese ethnicity.

Southern Louisiana was an appropriate place for many Vietnamese immigrants to live, not just because of the climate and the similar industries but also because of the French language and heritage and Roman Catholicism.

Look at the dog!

We were told that the storm surge from Barry put five feet of water on top of that flat area on the dock next to the boats.

I know that I am getting a bit redundant here.

Look at the dog!

The story that I am told is that no one person or family at the dog really owns the dog, that everyone just tolerates it.

A US Coast Guard inspector was here inspecting the boats.

Also, of course, the air was very humid and hot.

It’s July in southern Louisiana. Heat and humidity are the almost-constant state.

This is where some shrimp that you might eat comes ashore.

I love fried shrimp.

I do wonder what working on one of these things would be like.

There is such a fascinating culture usually unseen here.

But these are your fellow human beings, and they help supply us with food.

The skies cooperated today with some interesting clouds.

Below, you can see debris left by the receding water.

This place is interesting, but I wouldn’t want to live here.

But what happens here is important.

The Coast Guard inspector is inspecting this boat, and someone is translating for the inspector and the boat owner.

That’s about all for here.

Next, we went to Palmetto Island State Park, where, away from the open water, we felt the humidity so much more.

This was my first time visiting this park.

Supposedly, a bunch of wild pigs inhabit this place and frequently make their presence known to human visitors, but we did not see any.

This is a boat launch.

Okay, that is all.