More Kate Pictures

by Jim on 2011/05/12

[Jimbaux has become indestructible.]

Y’all Were Expecting Trains Or Something?

Wow, what a crazy week it has been!  Anyway, Kate has posted her recipe from our Sunday gathering, and, here, I’ll merely post the rest of the pictures from our encounter.

If you go and visit her site, make sure you tell her that Jimbaux sent you, a’ight?

She’s a pretty laid-back, chill person passionate about her cooking and geography too!

So, there are the fritters, my friends, and they were good!

However, my favorite part of the meal was that tuna stuff!

Anyway, I really want to get out and go foaming with the new lens.  I stumbled on a great shot of a northbound CSX train coming through Alexandria this morning, but I couldn’t get set up in time.

Maybe another trip to Front Royal is in order, though with gasoline at $4/gallon, that will be tough.

I am curious to see what the new lens can do at the 85mm end.

I hope that Kate and I continue this series soon!

So, here we are sitting down to dinner, a fun time indeed!

That was good.  She gave me leftovers, the tuna, and it made a good midnight snack earlier this week!  Kate, I’ve washed the container and will return it to you next time!


In the last few days I’ve witnessed a regrettable amount of anger, hatred, fear, shallowness, bigotry, and ignorance expressed in various forms on various subjects, including in the comments section in recent articles on this site, but in many other places too.  I hope to write about this soon.

In the meantime, enjoy this little gem that I’ve found.  I had never seen that before, and I’ve never been a big Limp Bizkit fan (because of Fred Durst), but I really enjoyed this rendition of one of my favorite Metallica songs.


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 PPA May 13, 2011 at 13:24

I suspect Jimbeaux has a bit of a crush on Miss Kate!


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